Sunday, December 19, 2010

Superman Cape for a Little Boy

I received a hint that a family member wanted a Superman cape...
Here he is...wearing his Superman shirt...
And here is his new cape, made from fabrics I had on hand and a superman logo I found on the 'net. 
I took the logo to Kinko's and had it blown up and used that for the pattern.
That little boy is all grown up and has two kids of his own...but hey that is what Christmas is all about! 
Being a kid again and having fun!
I am sure he is going to love it...look at the way it billows out when the wind catches it!


Jill said...

Great cape!! You're never too old to be a superhero!! Thanks for linking to A Round Tuit!
I hope you have a wonderful week and a very Merry Christmas!!

Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Emily said...

Awesome! Now all he needs are some blue(?) tights!

Christie describeHappy said...

Ha! Fun twist at the end to hear this is for your grown son. Your right all the more reason to have fun with things this time of year!

Melissa said...

That is super fun. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.

Quiltstory said...

I cant wait to make capes for my baby boy! Thanks for linking to quiltstory!