Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Button Bracelets

I saw this beautiful bracelet on Pinterest…
                   Source: simplyimpressed.blogspot.com via Ellen on Pinterest

and of course wanted to make one for myself! 
Or make several for that matter!  So naturally, I would not follow the exact design,
 but make something much different!
This was the first one I made…I used vintage buttons in blues and some new clamshell round buttons in a teal shade and a light blue shade(thank you JoAnns!)
And then there is this bracelet with the stamped words…imagine, strength, passion, integrity, focus.  I have had these rings for a while, just waiting for the perfect project.
And lastly, one that is made entirely of natural clamshell buttons (rectangles and three sizes of round buttons) and a few off center clamshell beads.   The base bracelet is a smaller more delicate chain.  Anyway, I have not yet finished!  I have lots more ideas for these bracelets…hmmm, thinking Christmas presents?
I am linking to these great parties!


d e l i g h t said...

These are adorable! I've been wanting to make one for quite some time. You have inspired me! We have entries next to each other at Very Merry Vintage!

Katie said...

Um. I like yours better than the inspiration photo. Can I say that? I just did! They're awesome!

Katie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I love these! Especially the last one, maybe I can be added to your Christmas list? hee hee

LaLa said...

I absolutely LOVE these. I totally want that seriously turquoise one. Do you sell them off the blog here?? Thanks for sharing.


Unknown said...

love these!!! great idea!

Natasha Mairs - Serenity You said...

Great idea! i love buttons,!!

Sheeprustler said...

I am obsessed with buttons and these are such a lovely way of displaying them!

Jamie said...

Yours turned out darling!

Sara said...

Love this! When my Grandma died (almost 20 years ago!) I was the only granddaughter that did any sewing/crafting. She never had much but she saved every little scrap of anything. She gave it all to me with a tin full of buttons! I have hung onto them until I could think of something to do with them. This is perfect! Thanks for sharing :)

Robin Ange said...

What an adorable idea for my most recent button hoarding obsession! Love this!

Maggie Lamarre said...

fantastic idea for using our stash of buttons...
I will be honored if you will add this project in our weekly linking party every Wednesdays at
Have a great week,

Delaney said...

This is so cute! I should try this with a necklace since I don't like bracelets!
SweetTea Serendipity

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

Yours turned out so much cuter! Great job! Thank you so much for linking up!

Unknown said...

beautiful job, I love bracelets and these are just gorgeous.~Lori

A Few Pennies said...

Beautiful creative designs! I love bracelets.

Unknown said...

Gorgeously beautiful! Who wouldn't love this!!!


Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Love all of them. Button bracelets are on my list of things to do.

Boden said...

Lovely! My fave is the clam shell bracelet, I'm always a sucker for clam shell! I'd love for you to pop by my blog sometime, www.icantstopcrafting.blogspot.com

Brie @ Darling Doodles said...

How do I get added to your Christmas list? :) Seriously, these are so adorable, thanks for sharing! I came over from the creation corner link party and glad I did!


Unknown said...

These are so sweet..I know my God child would love to make one (or two)and would be fun to give as gifts..I'm now following you and found you at Very Merry Vintage Style..

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

very pretty bracelets. It's hard to choose a favorite!
thanks for linking up!

Georgia said...

Thanks for sharing this. I'm going to try & make these with my Girl Scout troop. They will love it!


Andrea said...

Don't you just love when one idea leads you to many more? They are beautiful.

Leah said...

Your bracelets are so pretty, great job!

Debra@CommonGround said...

These are adorable, just love all the different buttons! thanks so much for sharing the inspiration,
xo Debra

Sylvie Créative - Créations Ma Déco Maison said...


Rose and Heather said...

I was linking up and saw your adorable bracelet and had to come over to see. I am in love with it. Now I must have one, I have a button stach and can't wate to make mine.
Thanks Rose and Heather From sewstylishboutique.blogger.com

Deanna said...

Very nice! I am a big button fan myself and enjoy seeing new ways to enjoy my hoarde. Thanks for sharing.

Rachel (Lines across my face) said...

Cute! I especially love the blue one.
I would love it if you would stop by and link this up to the crafty link party going on now at Lines Across My Face.
:) Rachel

Jill said...

Brilliant bracelets! I love the stamped one particularly! Great way to use up buttons!
Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

ElisabethAndrée said...

Really like your bracelets! So pretty, you have made beautiful jewelry! :)

Deceptively Educational said...

I nearly cried when I saw your beautiful button bracelet! When my grandmother passed a little over a year ago, I inherited her small basket of buttons (I remember playing endlessly with these as a small girl). Now I can take some of those precious buttons and make them into a bracelet to remember her by! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Megan Gunyan said...

So cute! I love the sea-shell bracelet. The buttons are a wonderful idea for a bracelet! Love it.

Mimi said...

What beautiful bracelets AND beautiful photography! Thank you for such amazing inspiration! :)

Elle and Lou said...

I love all things with buttons and these are very original. Great work!

Rebecca @ My Girlish Whims said...

Thanks for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday, I featured this on my facebook page! Feel free to grab a featured button from my sidebar or when the party is posted tonight!

very merry vintage style said...

These are gorgeous! Thanks for linking to Share the Love Wednesday. Hope you'll be back this week!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the inspiration. The bracelets are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

these are beautiful! what a pretty project from something so simple like buttons! Thank you for linking up to WWWW! I'm featuring you today (yes, again! I think you're super smart!)

Brit said...

Beautiful! I bet they look fantastic on! Thank you so much for linking up with us, we appreciate it. Hope you come back and party with us again soon :)

Janie said...

Those are both cute and beautiful!!

Rachel said...

I think I'll have to try my hand at these. So cute.

Hilary said...

How cute! I'll have to be on the look out for buttons to salvage.

Rachel (Lines across my face) said...

Thanks for sharing this on Monday. I am actually featuring this on a button themed craft post. Stop by and pick up a featured button. I hope to see you again on Monday.
:) Rachel

Bohemian said...

Loving your versions of the button bracelets!

Dawn... The Bohemian

Carolyn said...

Love the button bracelets. Great craft idea for kids to make as well.

Unknown said...

Just gorgeous. I don't really wear jewelry much....but I would *totally* wear that!!

Jo said...

So pretty I have been obsessed with button bracelets myself. Seems like when you start one you can't stop!

Jami said...

Your bracelets are gorgeous! Thanks for linking to the Tuesday To Do Party!

Jenn Erickson said...

Ellen, your bracelets are so beautifully done! Wonderful color combinations and charm accents!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your buttons with WorkShop Wednesday! They are such an easy thing to save and repurpose with!

Rachel said...

Love your button bracelets. I'm gonna have to make some since I have a stockpile of buttons. Thanks for the inspiration.

Liz @ Here's to Handy Andy said...

Absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I adore these and am going to have to try some for myself! Thank you for sharing your creative works.

Sara said...

SO pretty!! Would LOVE it if you would link these up at my turquoise lovin' party going on right now!! http://www.sweetlittlegals.com/2011/11/turquoise-lovin-13.html

Estelle Grace Tudor said...

These are fab! I have just had a go at a colourful button necklace - think I might have a go at a bracelet next, thanks for the inspiration! Visiting via Sweet Little Gals Turquoise linky x

Anonymous said...

These bracelets are beautiful!! Do you sell them? Do you have a tutorial (for the non-creative types, like me!)? Thanks, maureen mb99999@yahoo.com

Widiger Family said...

Love your barcelets! Could you tell me where you got your starter bracelets from? I'd like to make some for my daughter as I can't stand bracelets on me. Thank you for your help

Unknown said...

Ummm...I love love love buttons, and these are wonderful! I can't believe I haven't seen these before!
I am stopping by from Wow me Wednesday--and I was looking through your projects--tons of great stuff!
I am hosting a link party for OLD projects--that's right, old posts, you know, the stuff we posted when only our husband and moms were reading our blogs (or was that just me?!?)
Hope you come link up and give some of these posts new exposure!