Parts of an upcoming wool felt project…
A $5 footed handled basket I bought at an auction…but look in the bottom of the basket…makes me wonder what the significance is of the dried rose bud. I had started to clean it out when I saw the dried petals along with the dry cleaning tag and the nail and the pieces of hay or grass. I wondered if it was from a mother’s day bouquet, a lover or plucked from a high school prom corsage or well, I could go on and on, but I won’t!
Another new project…more about that in a few hours, hopefully later tonight I will post about the button bracelets!
A wool owl I found for 50 cents at Salvation Army. Thought he was too good to pass by! I think he has a bit of a deer-in-the-headlights look!
(for some unknown reason, the pic doesn't show up, click on the box and it is there!)
A new crocheted felted wool rose I made this past week. I am really liking the colors.
And another one that I am not sure if I like at all, made with navy wool yarn and a strand of mohair. Maybe a button in the center would jazz it up a bit.
A non thriving house plant. I pride myself on having a green thumb, but it has been so blasted hot this summer, none of my plants are thriving. Today the actual temp was 106 when I got home this afternoon and I live in the country! This guy was ginormous, probably twice the size of the pot diameter (you can see the cobalt blue pot through the leaves), covered with beautiful leaves. It gets watered at least once a day, but this past week, I guess it got too hot or something because it fried! Crunchy sort of fried!
Apparently zinnias love the heat and the sun, ‘cause these things are going crazy!
1 comment:
love your basket with sweet treasures in the bottom
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