Sunday, September 18, 2011

Making Silent Auction Baskets and Other Things

This past weekend my church had their big annual fundraiser for the debt free building fund.  I always make several baskets to donate for the silent auction.  This next weekend is my family’s MDA fundraiser in southern Illinois.  I always donate a lot of things for that fundraiser too! Here’s a few things that I have been working on…
The Mizzou basket…set of four potholders, two badge reel clips, two decorated kitchen towels, 10 bean bags, two glasses case, a black and gold clutch purse…
The beach basket…all things blue and seashell-y!
I am still working on more baskets…a pumpkin basket, a patriotic basket, a fall fun basket, some felted wool acorns in a mason jar, wool mittens, a bride dress up basket, lots more! 
I am linking to these great parties!


Sweetwater Style said...

These baskets are terrific. We do a silent auction at my school...I will pass these ideas on! And BTW if the cat in your header lives with you...she/he is an exact duplicate of our Maxine!!!

Priscila said...

These baskets look great!

DIYbyDesign said...

Those baskets look great. I love silent auctions. Thanks for sharing at my Sizzle into summer party.

outjunking said...

Hi, I just join your blog, your post present and past inspired me. Really!

Jennifer @Miss Maggie's Place said...

Loved this post. Yesterday my son's teacher asked me to put together a Spa themed basket for the school fundraiser. Thanks for sharing this.

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Love your basket themes! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

Jesse M said...

These are wonderful baskets!! Great job :)

Grammy Goodwill said...

Love your team basket.

Ellen said...

Very nice baskets. I sure do hope they bring in a good donation. Such a kind and giving thing to do.

Brave Brooke said...

These baskets are awesome! Great job!

Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

Super idea! I love how you can make them so personal to the individuals tastes. I am a new follower and wanted to invite you to share this in a blog hop I am co-hosting.

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

These are super sweet and so clever. Hope the auction raises lots of money!

Kimberly T. said...

Great baskets! The team themed basket is awesome! I think I'll make one for my kids' school carnival. Thanks!

Jordan McCollum said...

Cute baskets! Our school carnival is tomorrow, and we do the baskets too. This would be perfect!

Jenny @ Simcoe Street said...

This looks great!


Anonymous said...

how cool are these!!

Vicky @ Mess For Less said...

Have a great weekend! Thank you for linking up with Mess For Less and Real Life Deals @

Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

You do such lovely baskets! You know which one I'm kind of partial to - Go Mizzou!! Lol!

Michelle @ Delicate Construction said...

They all look great! Thanks so much for sharing! I am visiting from Weekend Wander! I hope you are having a great weekend and maybe come by and link this up at my Delicately Constructed linky party!
Hope to see you around soon!

r4i said...

Well, Those baskets look great. Seems a very silent auctions. I can 't thank you enough for sharing a great idea, Your idea helps me to enjoy my next weekend party.

Mindie Hilton said...

I love gift baskets, always exciting to see what's all inside. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.

very merry vintage style said...

I'm sure these baskets will do well at the auctions. They look great. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

Anonymous said...

Can I bid on these? Love these ideas and think it's awesome that you are donating these! Thanks for linking up to WWWW! Hope to see you again this week!

Unknown said...

These are really great! My MIL would love that beachy basket. Thank you so much for linking up, Allison!
