Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Magnetic Pin Holders

Not much to this easy but useful craft!  I found a few cute bowls and glued some power magnets (not regular magnets, but you can find them at Hobby Lobby or Michaels) on the underside of them.  Be prepared after you glue on the first one for subsequent magnets to want to get stuck all over the other magnets.  Even when you super glue or use E6000 or hot glue, the magnet will migrate toward another already glued magnet.  I tried to arrange them all cute like, but the magnets had no regard for my wishes!
These are great to put on a desk for paper clips or thumbtacks, wonderful for a seamstress or scrapbooker or crafter, probably lots of other uses too!
I found this tiny dish at Salvation Army for 50 cents!  The blue bowl I have had for years. 
I am linking up to these great parties!


Lisa @ Organized Chaos said...

Thank You so much for your sweet comments on my blog today. Your blog looks fun...I think I may get some good inspiration from it...I'm your newest follower! Thanks again for stopping by...
~Lisa @ Organized Chaos

Catherine @ Cat on a Limb said...

What a great idea! That's funny that the magnets moved, who would have thought? Well done!

Sarah said...

What a great idea! Love it

btanders said...

What a clever idea. And so easy!

jess said...

what a great idea ellen!! super cute.

Unknown said...

This is such a good idea! i thought you must have found magnetic paint or something magical, but this is way easier and still so practical! : )

Holly Lefevre said...

That is a fabulous idea..I am so going to do this...I have a few pretty dishes I have found here and there that will be perfect!

Unknown said...

Fantastic idea!

Unknown said...

That is so smart!! I love this idea. Thanks so much for sharing!!

Funky Junk Interiors said...

Could you be any more brilliant?!? Mechanic's magnetic bowls are built the same way. I didn't even THINK to make a pretty one. Nicely done!

Shared this on FJI Facebook for SNS 92. :)


Restore and Renew said...

Great idea!!
I am a new follower.

Charity said...

Well knock my sock off, I was just playing with some store bought ones last weekend and loved them, so they are on my "dreaming of" list but now I will be making my own. Thanks for inspiring me to think out of the box and get something I love instead of something that just works. I pin this on pinterest, you can find it here

Cha Cha

Sally said...

This is an awesome idea! I always see cute little bowls/dishes at Goodwill, but never want to buy them since I never have a purpose for them...but now I do :-)

Jill said...

Oh wow! what a simple but fabulous idea!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a great week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Genius!! I love it!

We host a linky party “Strut Your Stuff” every Sunday. This would be a perfect link up! Please feel free to add it :) We appreciate it! Thanks for sharing!


HoneySage said...

This is a great idea! I am always tipping my pin bowl over when I am removing pins from bigger bulky projects. Thanks for sharing!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

wow, that is so smart! I have some of those magnets, they are so incredibly strong!
pretty and practical!

Yes! Yolanda said...

Sooo glad I clicked on this! Found you on the 'Made with Love" blog hop. I'm ALWAYS mis-placing my sewing needs! Don't worry- not around the house. I put them up but forget where I put them. I always buy new ones & then re-discover the old after the purchase. This is so easy & can't wait go get some magnets! Hope you can stop by if you get a chance, Yolanda.

DearHelenHartman said...

Clever Idea - I can think of a bunch of ways to make use of it, too! (Especially since I LOVE little dishes like that but had no idea how to display them, now they can be useful.)

Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

Pure genius! As soon as I can find some little bowls, I'll be stealing this idea. I'd love for you to link it up to my new linky party:

Tammy @ Type A said...

such a great idea! and cute. thanks for partying with me!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. . .one of those "why didn't I think of that"'s! Thanks!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Fabulous idea! I love how simple this is.

May said...

A stroke of genius!

Anita Rowe Stafford said...

Super idea! I have a similar pin magnet that I bought, but I could have made my own!

Anonymous said...

Love this idea! Totally going to have to make these myself! Thanks for linking up to WWWW! I'm featuring you today!
Would you mind adding my button to your party page! That's a great resource!

Anonymous said...

Great idea! I am always looking for those pins! Thanks for linking to WorkShop Wednesday!