Monday, May 28, 2012

A few new pillows…

Well not new pillows, just new pillow covers…


This is the after….


And this is the before picture!  Yep, I saw this tuxedo shirt at Goodwill and thought that it would make a great pillow.  The shirt was $3 and I had a pillow form without a cover waiting at home. 


I just marked and then cut out a rectangle about 2 inches wider than the pillow all around and used the placket for the closure, so no zippers or buttonholes!  Easy easy easy!  This pillow now resides on my bed, with my blue and white bedding.


The second pillow is made from a sleeveless sweater I found for $2…


This is the before….


And the after!  I needed something to go with the couch, but something pulling some other colors into the couch.  And I wanted the pillow to complement my other pillows and my flower wall art.  I think it was the perfect mix of colors.  


I am linking to these great parties!!



Osage Bluff Quilter said...

I think I have one of the tux shirts in my closet from Goodwill! thanks for the hint!

Diana Joy said...

Fabulous pillow; fabulous idea. I love both but especially the sweater one...oh; so pretty.

Terriea Kwong said...

Such nice transformation. Great idea for the upcycle. Waste not want not.

I Gotta Try That said...

These are too cute. Would love for you to share it on my linky party!
Thanks, Marcie

Rachel said...

I just love that tuxedo pillow! Actually I love all of them. Thanks for sharing at Terrific Tuesday.

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

Great ideas! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

Sam I Am...... said...

When you say your blog is "creative" you're not kidding! I don't know how you do it all? I love your pillows and they all look so nice on your couch. The colors are great!

Serena Bakes Simply From Scratch said...

Can you stop by my place and whip me up some pillows? These are adorable, I guess I will have to give it a try;) We have a Fabulous Friday Party happening and I would love for you to share...
Have a fabulous weekend!

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Just brilliant. I especially love the tuxedo pillow. What a great way to re-purpose.

Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

That tuxedo pillow is awesome!!

Jamie said...

too cute! what a great idea :)

Jill said...

Fabulous upcycles Ellen! I especially love the tuxedo shirt pillow! So cool!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Six Sisters said...

That tux pillow is adorable!! Can't wait to try it, seriously so cute!! We are so glad you joined our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday". We love to see all of the great recipes and ideas!! Thanks and we hope to see you again next week! -The Sisters

Unknown said...

That tuxedo shirt pillow is fabulous. Even better, no need for a zipper! I would love it if you would share this on my linky party Tout It Tuesday.

Maria said...

What a cute idea, the pillow looks beautiful! I made a cardigan pillow not too long ago, that was done in a similar way. I love re-purposing old things and giving them new life like this! Love what you did!