Sunday, January 2, 2011

My Favorite 2010 Projects!

I really didn't get my blog up and running regularly until the middle of 2010....I did some posts, didn't really have much organization, didn't post regularly, didn't link to others' parties...however in the last half of 2010 that changed!  I have been having more fun with my blog and I am very honored to have almost 300 followers!
so here they are in no particular favorite projects of 2010.

Thanks to each of you who read my blog and Happy New Year! 
I look forward to lots of new and exciting projects in 2011!


  1. It looks like you had a fabulous year to me! Can't wait to see what this year brings! Keep up the great work!

  2. Love the projects!! Great job.

  3. I just love all of your projects! Have a great new year!!!


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