Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Decorating my new office

Back in October while I was on my Connecticut vacation, my office moved to a new building.  It is my fourth office in the almost two years I have worked here.  The fun part was that I got to decorate it all my self.  It came with cream colored walls and one mauve wall'; I put my ginormous bulletin board on the that mauve wall (to hide the color). 


I moved a few pictures over from my old office, like the one you see in the mirror above I made from paint chips a few years ago.  You can go here to see that project.


I now have a nice bookcase, but very few books to put in in so I organized it with baskets and of course have quite a few things to show off on those shelves!


Here’s the paint chip wall hanging in its corner, and the birds nest wall hanging I found at Goodwill for $3.  I was thrilled and it is in excellent shape! 


Sam got me these two canvases for Christmas (he gave them to me in October) and the mirror is a  $1 thrift store find.


I love this saying….


Here’s the birds nest from Goodwill and above it is a canvas that I Mod Podged a printed 8.5 x 11 paper onto.  It turned out nicely. 


I made this chalkboard from a pretty picture frame I found at Goodwill…really I do shop other places, but love the thrift stores.


I thought it looked kinda plain so I added some grey and blue flowers, wool of course! 


The lamp was only $15 at the Salvation Army store in town, perfect for the desk.  I like to have all sorts of inspirational quotes and pictures, I do spend 9 hours a day in this spot, so it may as well suit me!  It has been fun to put it all together…


I am linking to these great parties…



  1. Wow, great! I would love to work at this place. Happy New Year!

  2. I especially love your artistic chalk. Ah, we need a chalk board.

  3. I like that your office has a lot of pieces that have inspirational quotes. :D It’ll be fun to just sit there and have your creative juices flowing. :D

  4. There is literally inspiration everywhere! Nothing is more ideal than to be in a working space where everywhere you look and be inspired and motivated to work harder. Good idea!


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