Wednesday, December 26, 2012

PJ Pants All Around for Christmas

This is where it all started…Black Friday, JoAnns at approximately 0600.  And that is what 71 yards of flannel looks like!  It was 75% off that day and if you have never been to the Black Friday sale at JoAnns you can compare it to a stampede of goal oriented hungry cattle after they have had nothing to eat for 2 1/2 weeks.  That’s my baby sister Jenny with me…
Not sure what’s going on with my hind leg there, but it was very early in the morning. I have been known in the past to make everyone on my Christmas list a pair or two of PJ pants for Christmas. 
After this year I am so over the urge to make PJ pants for anyone!  This stack of cut-out, ready-to-be-sewn-up PJ pants mocked me from the time I cut them out until I finished them, yup all 21 pair!  Mocked me!
I bought one pattern, because everyone has their own size preference, shorter legs, longer legs, smaller waist, etc.  I made them from a size 9mos to 2XL tall.  I used two patterns, one a children's size 2-6 and one a multi-size adult.  The baby pants I made my own pattern for…
Milo helped me quite a bit…he stayed mostly by my feet, occasionally standing up asking me if I was done yet.
I cut out the largest pants first with the pattern and then just cut the pattern down to the smaller sizes, the pattern was pretty tattered at the end and I believe it might have accidentally fallen into the trash can anyway! Accidentally of course!!  Then after I got all the long seams sewn, I had to place the hems and the waist line casings…and then the elastic!  I did all these assembly style, just running them through the machine, doing one part at a time.  Sometimes it got very confusing…hope no one has one leg that is tighter than the other or worse yet, a different fabric! 
The cutest pair, for little monkey boy!  I have another pair cut out for Baby Brady but haven’t found the gumption to sew them up yet!
Ruthie’s got a barnyard theme…and Mindy’s had peace signs and monkeys on hers.
Quite a lineup, huh?
Charlie always mauls his siblings with wild abandon…immediately after or sometimes during a photo session!
Laney’s had cute pink, red and orange owls…Audrey’s had cute little kitty cats. 
Here's Mindy with Brady...they have matching PJs!

I just might be linking to these great parties!


  1. how fun! all the pants are cute
    i bought some of the pink foxy fabric you bought <3

  2. I know it was a pain for you, but we LOVE them!! :) Several members of this family are wearing them as we speak!

  3. that's a lot of PJ's! They look great. I did that for Christmas one was a lot of work. Thanks for linking with me.


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