Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cardboard Rose Wreath

I got a new couch this weekend…100_3160

It’s very pretty, I love it!  The guys wouldn’t come down the driveway with the truck so one of them carried the couch all BY HIMSELF!!  I was so afraid he would fall and get hurt or drop the couch!


Well, the couch and the delivery guy are both safe…


They were actually going to throw away this corrugated cardboard padding that was wrapped around the couch!


I must have been drooling a bit because one of the guys asked me if I wanted it to help start fires in my wood stove!  Haha! 


I have been looking at that paper for 24 hours when it hit me…this would make great rolled flowers!


I made a bunch of the flowers like this first.  Then I found this straw wreath (you could also use a foam wreath too) and wrapped it with some left over muslin binding.


Glued on some leaf shaped cut outs and then the cardboard roses…


I am so loving it!  Thinking that might just look good above the couch!


Just to add some bling, I put some hot glue in the middle of each rose and poured some vintage glass beads (which I bought with those buttons from last weekend) on top of the glue.


I tied another length of muslin around the top of the wreath for a hanger and stuck another flower on top of that.


Looking good, huh?


I decided to see what it looks like hanging above the couch…I may rearrange those pictures and add one more thing, but I am pretty sure that wreath is staying!


Total cost for this project:  $3 for the wreath form (after using a 40% off coupon at Michaels), had everything else, left over from other projects!


I am linking to these great parties!



Karla Do More said...
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Karla Do More said...

Love this. Visiting from Making the world cuter. :)

Jill said...

Love your new sofa! Glad it made it's way safely through all that snow! Great cardboard flowers too! Such a shame thinking of all that craftable stuff that gets thrown away!

Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
Hope you have a fabulous week!
Jill @ Creating my way to Success

Terriea Kwong said...

Ellen, you're so creative and make us of every piece. The wreather is so pretty with the natural touch. The couch is cozy. Fortunately the guys carried it safely.

Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker said...

Visiting from Marvelously Messy...

This is a great idea - would be so lovely in the fall, or white and/or sparkly for Christmas!

Jen the CraftinCowgirl said...

Sooo creative, I love it! Great job!

Kelli @ The Loss Cause said...

Cool! I never would have thought to use cardboard.

Etcetorize said...

What a great recycle. Funny those guys didn't even see what pretty flowers the cardboard would make, silly guys! Thanks for linking up at Etcetorize~

Katie said...

i love it! I think I need one too!
you should join me for Handmade 52

Unknown said...

This is beautiful! I'm hosting a Winter Wonderland linky party and would love it if you linked this up!

Full Circle Creations said...

What a great way to recycle that cardboard! It looks beautiful!


Andi said...

I've never seen cardboard flowers but I love them. Such a great idea! And I love them on your wreath!

Beth @Under A Pile of Scrap! said...

I think putting those cardboard flowers on that wreath just sets the whole thing off and it's perfect above your new couch!

DIYbyDesign said...

Now that's very clever. Looks great. Thanks for sharing at DIYbyDesign.

Stone Cottage Adventures said...

Oh, wow!! 'Love the wreath!! -Marci

Jill @Two Yellow Birds Decor said...

That is so creative! I love it!! I love the idea of using that cardboard for flowers. So cute!!
Would love for you to stop by and say Hi:)

Joyce - Quilted Nest said...

Great sofa - great flowers - great job!

Chandra said...

I love to recycle and repurpose things and this wreath is just darling! Now if only I did not put all our cardboard out in the recycling today! New to your blog...glad I found your crafty space on the web.

Chatty Chics said...

Ellen, this is AWESOME! I love it! You could sell these, it looks that good! Thank you for sharing!
PS Come link up at my place today if you can! You could win a $5 Starbucks card!

Christie said...

What wonderful creativity, to see something so pretty from trash! It looks fantastic hanging there.

Ady said...

You're so clever! I'd never have seen roses in the corrugated cardboard in a million years. They look amazing and the wreath is beautiful hung up on your wall. I shall be on the lookout for corrugated cardboard now!

Patti @ Pandoras Box said...

great post! I love that you were quick enough to get a photo of the delivery man carrying your couch!! Which, by the way, is gorgeous! And the flowers out of corrugated paper is a fabulous idea!

Marilyn said...

Ellen, this is BEAUTIFUL.. I love it.. So creative and chic.. WOW.. Thanks SO much for linking to Pin'Inspirational Thursday.. I HEART THIS!!!

Marilyn said...

PS: Happiest New Follower HERE.. ;))

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

What a great idea! Love the way you displayed it outside too! Looks good over your couch!!

Lizzie Barbie said...

I love it! New follower.

Unknown said...

Very clever and very pretty! I loved how it looked against the tree too - everything looked so natural.

Fran. said...

That is so cool! I love upcycling! And how perfect to hang it over the couch! It looks amazing there!! Thanks for sharing!! XO Fran.

Naomi @ Upcycled Creatively said...

Hello! Popping over from linking up at T- Shirt Diaries to say that I just love this! It is beautiful.

WhyCuzICan said...

You kicked that one up a notch! From coach packaging to darling flowers!

Visiting from Blissful & Domestic linky party-- thanks for sharing :D
Smiles, Suzanne in NW Illinois at WhyCuzICan

Crafty Mischief said...

Beautiful wreath! I didn't even realize it was made of cardboard when I first saw it. How fun! I found you through The Girl Creative. Thanks for sharing! :)

Rosemary@villabarnes said...

Fantastic! Love the corrugated flowers. Such great texture.

Megan Gunyan said...

Ha! You're right---they do make great flowers! I love the texture! What a great idea.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Your wreath looks amazing! :) great job. funny picture of the man carrying the couch! We bloggers...always grab our cameras, don't we?

Taryn @ Design, Dining + Diapers said...

I love this, I love the texture and the neutral tones. Great job.

Rachel Sue said...

THat is just gorgeous! I would love to feature this on Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Thanks!

jeanne@juNxtaposition said...

love love love !
great re-use !

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Very clever and well done! You have a good eye.

Melanie @ bear rabbit bear said...

What a neat idea- doesn't even look like cardboard from far away! Glad to have you at Things I’ve Done Thursday!

Unknown said...

He carried the couch by himself...that's crazy! I love your cute!!

Jen @ frazzled 5 said...

What a green project! Way to use cardboard!!! New Follower find you from Bacon Time:)
~Jen @

Sassy Sites! said...

Now, that's what I call a delivery guy! :) So nice of him to carry it all the way. I LOVE the wreath! What a great use of recycled cardboard. It's darling!! Thanks so much for linking up to Sassy Sites for our Friday ffa party! Have a fabulous weekend!


Leslie said...

I love the texture of the flowers. So unique!

Coffee Loving Geek said...

This is so amazing! You did an excellent job on the wreath! Love it! I came over from the Check Me Out Saturday party.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! I imagine you still have a lot of cardboard left. It will be fun to see what else you create!

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

Wow, that is such a great idea! The flowers came out so nice! Thanks for sharing at my party. I can't wait to see what you have next week.

Janet said...

What a great idea! I love your wreath. :)

Unknown said...

What a beautiful way to upcycle something most people would just get rid of! Great job! Thanks for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

Debra said...

very very cute...good job!!

{northern cottage} said...

hello dear - just wanted to let you know that you've been FEATURED over at NORTHERN COTTAGE! Come on over & grab a button...A new party is also now open if you'd like to spread the word! xo

Jenn Erickson said...

Thank you so much for sharing your talent and creativity on “A Little Birdie Told Me…” at Rook No. 17! Looking forward to seeing what inspirations you’ll share tomorrow!
Warmest wishes,

Marilyn said...

Ellen, this again is SO So beautiful.. THANKS SO MUCH again for linking up last week to Pin'Inspirational Thursday's.. YOU are FEATURED HAPPILY this evening.. Hope you can come by and snag a button.. LOVELY creative idea..It's pinned on my pin'board.. I adore it.. ;)) Thanks SO much again.. Wishing you an inspirational rest of week.. xoxo~ M

Leslie said...

I absolutely love this! I featured it on hoo's got talent! Thanks for linking up to the party!

Kara at Petals to Picots said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am featuring your wreath at my I Love Fridays link party. Feel free to stop by and grab a button. I can't wait to see what you link up this week :)