Tuesday, September 7, 2010

United States Map Circle Garland

OK, I will admit, I am suddenly obsessed with maps.  I made these coasters and and this circle party garland (which by the way looked great at the birthday party this weekend).
So I cut circles from an old atlas (25 cents at Salvation Army) which was falling apart.  The pages were still in excellent shape.  I cut the circles and sewed them together using quilting thread (which is stronger than regular sewing thread).
I used each state twice (except for Delaware I think because there just wasn't enough of it left over), so there are over a hundred circles in this garland.
I thought it would be great for a classroom or just a boys room or even an office. 
I left tails on the thread and knotted them so they wouldn't come undone. 
Sorry for the poor quality pics, no sunshine today!
Did you notice my feline assistant in the first picture?  Mama Kitty is my quality control inspector. 


  1. This is really neat! I LOVE your creativity! :]

  2. I love this garland! My sister leaves for the Peace Corp at the end of the month, this would be great to hang up at her going away party! I think that I am going to give it a try.

  3. This is such a super fun idea and I love that it uses maps!!! If I was still teaching I would want to whip one up to hang from my cubbies. PS: Enjoyed seeing your helpful crafty partner, my kitty likes to sit at my feet while I work☺ Would love you to join me at A Crafty Soiree, every Thursday.

  4. Love this idea! I love maps, I haven't done anything with them yet. I want to use lots of maps in my family room decor, but that will be a while. This is a great idea, thanks for sharing!

  5. I just made a paper garland like that but I LOVE the idea of using old maps ... it looks really great!

  6. Great twist on a garland idea-- really creative!

  7. This looks great! I recently did a paper garland using maps too:) I've always loved the look of maps- so much color and so many lines!

  8. What a GREAT idea!! Super creative :)

  9. What a cute idea. I love maps, too, so seeing any creative project with them is great.

  10. I made this and it turned out super cute! I love it!

  11. Awesome idea! My husband LOVEs maps. I need to do a craft like this for him!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  12. Great idea! Maps are such a great thing to craft with!

    Thanks for linking up to A Round Tuit.

    Have a great week!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. This is really cool, I love maps too, and garlands!

  14. i love all these things you've added to the link up! very inspiring!! i just added the html code for the new make it lovely button so you can grab it and add it to your posts. have a happy day!

  15. Great idea! Thanks for linking this one up to Thrilling Thursdays too! :D

  16. I need to start making some garland!

    Thank you for linking up to Upcycled Awesome number 14!

  17. That looks so cute. I just love maps. I love how you sewed it too. Thanks for visiting my blog.


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