Sunday, December 16, 2012

Baby Jesus Ornaments (repost)

This is a repost from two years ago…I love these ornaments and have several of them on my tree.
I saw some really cute baby Jesus ornaments posted here and loved them!  I am trying not to buy anything, so I wanted to use what I had.  I bought these four gold vine nests at Salvation Army this summer, for a quarter each.  I knew I would do something with them eventually and that time has come!
I made mine a bit differently...I used vintage silver pipe cleaners to create the stars on one end of the pipe cleaners.  I attached the other end of the pipe cleaners to the nest underneath the head of Baby Jesus. 
The only thing that I purchased was the half ball wooden pieces and they were a quarter each too.  I painted them light flesh color and used a paint marker to make the eyes.
I used unbleached muslin for the swaddling.  They look really sweet on the tree and they would also make great package decorations.
I am linking to these great parties!



  1. These are so cute Ellen!! What a neat idea.

    I also stopped by to let you know that I featured your tip for cleaning paint off your hands on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 132
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. Such cute ornaments! Thank you for sharing at All my Bloggy Friends this week :) Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  3. I always rescue lone Baby Jesus's when I see one. Love these ornaments especially the little star above His head.

  4. Love these sweet little baby Jesus'! Just dropping in from the hop and it's so nice to meet someone my age:)
    I am now following via GFC (I just made 975, so you are one more closer to your 1000:)

    Now I am off to check out some of your other pages and posts:)

  5. I love these little ornaments -- so sweet! Thanks for linking up over at Craft Junkie Too. Merry Christmas! :)


  6. Oh how cute. And a lovely craft project for grandparents and grandchildren. Thank you - and Merry Christmas!

  7. Those are so sweet and simple to make with grandchildren for a very meaningful Christmas activity!

  8. Very cute and super easy! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you for stopping in and sharing your Christmas craft with our readers at Bowdabra's Crafty Showcase. We love seeing your projects each week. Stop in and see which blogs are featured on Friday and to link up more of your goodies on Sat-Thur.

    Happy New Year,
    Susie @Bowdabra


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