Tuesday, June 19, 2012

TV Tray Rescue and Remodel

You might remember my post here about my auction buys from the past few weeks.  I bought this TV tray (that’s what the seller told me it was in a former life) for $1.  I thought it might be good to hold some plants.  Here’s a before…
Up close…pardon the blurry pic please!
Love the diamond design!
And here it is after!  I know the color is not much different but I used Krylon hammered metal paint.  It really covered the roughness in the tray and gave it a modern finish as well.
This little tray is as solid as can be…I am thinking I might use it in the kitchen or in the pantry.
I am linking to these great parties!


  1. I love it! Just gorgeous. :) Sometimes paint may not look like it makes a big difference in photos, but in real life, it changes everything! I have a rusty pole that used to be a part of a drying rack on my patio that's now a shimmering copper - similar in pictures, much better in reality! Anyway, I think your little cart is adorable. :)

  2. This is really beautiful. I was wondering if you would link it in my Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Here is the link:


    I would love to have anything that you would like to link.
    Debi Bolocofsky
    Adorned From Above

  3. I would be jumping up and down inside if I came across this and for a dollar my heart might pop out. :) Can you tell I like it?

  4. Your $1 cart is wonderful! What a great versatile piece!
    Mary Alice

  5. Wow! What a steal for $1 ... it's a really great piece! So versatile ... you could do some really fun things with it. It looks great all freshened up with some new paint.

  6. What a great deal! It looks wonderful in your outdoor space. Megan

  7. Love the cart, and I CAN see the difference on my computer. Great job!

  8. I love your little cart. I bought a similar one a while back and I painted it and use it in my kitchen.

  9. What a fantastic rescue! Looks perfect on your deck! Thanks so much for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party .. can't wait to see what you share next!
    Amie @ Pinkapotamus

  10. Thanks so much for linking up to TA-DA TUESDAY! What a great project, I would have never thought to rescue something like that! If you haven’t already, I’d be delighted if you’d follow back : ) blessings!
    413 Sparrow Lane


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