Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hey girl...

Submitted by Vicky

Submitted by thejunebride

Submitted by Amy

I am not that much of a Ryan Gosling fan, but these are sooo funny!!  You can see more of them here...


  1. These are brilliant! If only..... Maggie xx

  2. This post made me laugh and I even told my husband about it. I thought I left you a comment, but I mustn't have as I don't see it here...

    btw. did I already invite you??
    I came to your site re. the FOLLOWER linky blog hop, and am following you ! :-) Will you follow me back?? Thank you so much when you do, and do let me know when you do.

    PLUS: There is also a party on our blog, where you can feature 'your best creative work'. There are some great projects to see already, but we want to see your work!

    Anyhow, use this link both to FOLLOW and to PARTY:

    Hope to seeing you around!!
    Have a happy, creative day!

  3. LOL! Glad I found you on the Linky hop...I'm following with GFC and LF. I would love if you stopped by and followed back, so we can stay connected. Lori

  4. I've never seen a movie with Mr. Gosling before, but I do think these are absolutely HILARIOUS.

    I'm stopping by via the blog hop. Nice to meet you! I'm a new follower.

    Lots of love,

  5. I am having a great laugh today with your post!!
    thank you for sharing.


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