I found out about Habitat for Humanity’s Restore a few years ago and I go visit them several times a year. This is their mission statement:
The Restore is a division of Show-Me Central Habitat for Humanity - a non-profit ecumenical organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing. We recycle used, overstocked, discontinued, seconds and salvageable building material donated by individuals, firms and contractors. The donated items are used to build houses for low-income families or offered for sale to the general public to raise funds for building houses.
That’s great to be able to somehow help this cause…but did you know they have all sorts of things besides building supplies? I found all these things at the Restore this past weekend.
Glass candlesticks and a cowbell (very cheap)…
and a bunch of tiles I will use for mosaic flower pots…
a Budweiser bucket (I have plans of covering it with paint) and four rolls of scotch tape (like in office supply size—50 cents each) and clay pots and saucers (can’t walk past them at 25 cents each) and an aluminum dish pan (like my Grandma used—$1).
The big basket was 25 cents…my total bill was $4.70! Crazy! And I found out that they have a big yard sale in a few months, I am certainly going to have to check that out!
That's my kind of shopping! And it feels so good to use up rather than see it end up in the landfill. You have some fun project coming!