Friday, December 24, 2010

The Last Gift is Finished...Snow....Merry Christmas!!!

Since I had the yarn already and since they were on my original Christmas list for my son and since I have all the time in the world, Tuesday I started a pair of knitted felted slippers!
I love the softness of this Fishermen's Wool from Hobby Lobby.  I created my own pattern, adapting several different slipper patterns I have made over the years.
Three strands of yarn and size 10 needles made for a fast project.   Sam wears a size 14 shoe, so the finished, pre-felted slippers were ginormous!
My knitting needles look like toothpicks!
Here they are beside his tennies!
They are insanely soft and snuggly! And this yarn felted so well you can't even see the giant stitches!
I may have to wash them again, because I want them to be snug on his feet. 
This is what I awakened to this morning...such a wonderful Christmas present. 
Just beautiful and so quietly soft!


  1. These look soo soft and cuddly! I am sooo jealous! Thanks for sharing with the Pink Hippo Party!

  2. Love felting wool and your slippers turned out so wonderful.

  3. Love these! Would you mind listing the Boardwalk Bragfest on your side bar or your post? I think it disappeared. Someday you will have to give a tutorial on how to "felt" They look so inviting!

  4. These look so cozy! What a nice gift for your son.

  5. Nice job!! I love me a pair of soft, comfy, warm slippers!

    I'd also love it if you would come link these up to my new linky party!

  6. They look lovely and snuggly slippers! and how lovely to have a white Christmas!! I hope you had a wonderful festive time!

    Thanks so much for linking up to A Round Tuit.
    Have a fantastic week and a very Happy New Year!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  7. Those look wonderful, he must just love them! I really need to learn how to knit... maybe I could felt something that I crochet. I usually cheat and make things out of wool sweaters, Theresa xoxo


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