Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hoo Are You??


1. What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
a. spending time with the family
b. giving and receiving gifts
c. sleeping
d. eating and drinking

2. What is your least favorite part of the holiday season?
a. spending time with the family
b. giving and receiving gifts
c. sleeping
d. eating and drinking
None of the above...my least favorite part is that I always have to work either Christmas eve or Christmas day--a 12 hour shift!
3. Do you bake goodies during the holidays? If so do you eat them, give them away or both?
I am not much of a baker...I have a picky eater in my house, so I just don't bake much.  Plus, I just don't need to be eating sweets!

4. Are you all ready for Christmas?
Yes, everything is wrapped and either in my closet or under the tree, except for the last item that I am still working on (knitting some slippers to felt for my son Sam). 

5. What activities do you do on Christmas day?
Well, if I am not working, we start the day out by opening presents pretty early, by 5 or 6, then we pack up presents for my brother's family and head on over there for breakfast.  They haven't opened presents before breakfast, since my mean brother makes them eat a fully cooked breakfast first...then we open gifts. 
Then Sam and I come home and we babysit my brother's family dogs for a few days. 
However, this year everything will be different because I work my 12 hour shift on Christmas day!


  1. That sucks that you have to work on Christmas. My BF has to as well but luckly he gets off at 3. I hope your able to enjoy the holidays!

  2. Working on the holidays is not fun!

  3. Fun little profile!! We're following now too :) PS I just moved this last summer from Kirksville...1.5 hrs north of you!


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