Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Help! I can't stop making wool pumpkins!!

I can't stop making these!  You might remember I started with this one in August...
I make them all the time!  I look for all wool sweaters in shades of orange...and I find all shades of this lovely burnt orange.
And this winter white pumpkin topped with felted wool acorns...just love this one!  Even the curlicues are wool that I cut in very thin strips and wrapped around knitting needles after I soaked them with spray starch.
Pink, brown and off white acorns...
I love how this one tendril of vine kept trying to get into my picture (on the right there).
Then there is this really tiny pumpkin, it measures only about 3-4 inches wide!
So cute!  This wool is actually a deep orange, very pretty color!
And this used to be a cable cashmere sweater...I made the leaves differently with stitching on the leaves...this one is very soft and snuggly!
I really enjoyed making this one...each is so very different!
This one is non traditional, also made from a cashmere sweater in a lighter shade of orange.
And I added some wild blue and green felted wool acorns to the top, love the way they look!
There is that vine in the picture must have a thing for wool pumpkins like I do!


  1. I'm a new follower! Will you follow me?

  2. Hi Ellen! Just wanted to let you know that I gave you a blog award. Here's the link

  3. Your pumpkins are so lovely - I don't blame you for wanting to make them all the time. :-)

  4. These are so, so, clever and I can see why they're addictive to create...they're addictive to look at, for sure! :-) Mind if I mention and link to you on my next podcast?

  5. These are SO cute! Very similar to the stuffed pumpkins I'm making!

    How do you get the curl to work? I'm so curious!

  6. I so very much love these! I really need to make some for my self. Super cute!

  7. They are completely cute. They look so very well made. Nice job!

  8. SO cute!!! Thanks for linking this one up to Thrilling Thursdays too :)

  9. If I could make wool pumpkins that looked like that, I wouldn't stop making them either! Darling!

    Following from A Little Knick Knack's link party! You can visit me at and join our link party too!

    Clickable Party

  10. Awesome! love how you make them from old sweaters! I really need to be on the lookout for good sweaters to use :)

    stopping by from mommaskindacrafty :)

  11. Oh my, these are just adorable. And I just happen to have an orange thift store sweater I have already felted. You can guess what I will be doing this weekend.

    Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth

  12. I can understand why you can't stop....they are too fabulous!!

  13. Again I saw this on Tatertots and Jello...LOVE it!!

  14. I love pumpkin ideas. Great use for old sweaters. Very cool and fun and it doesn't go all mushy and moldy after a month. Always a plus.

  15. Oh my goodness, these are adorable! I LOVE the felted acorns on top. The curlicues are perfect! I can see why you can't stop making them!

  16. SOOOOO cute! Following from Clickable Party.

  17. Hi there,
    Popping in from Heather's.
    These are just precious!!!
    I think I would be addicted to making them too...if I could!!:0
    Enjoy the day

  18. Just what I need, another excuse to buy sweaters I will never wear. These are so cute and I could see a whole patch of different shades and textures and sizes, or even the same shade with different leaves and stems.

  19. These are darling...I think you should just keep making them. More's the better.

  20. all your felted projects are gorgeous

  21. So pretty! How I envy those that love to sew. :)


  22. These are sooooooooo cute. LOVE the felted acorns! :)

  23. love this pumpkin... you can use it again and again...

  24. Adorable! These are great! Thanks so much for sharing at my link party, Ellen! Have a wonderful day!

  25. I'm in love with the white pumpkin :)

  26. These are beautiful! The ones with the acorn are my favorite!

  27. I so badly want some of these. Thanks for linking.

  28. Very cute! You're going to be so well prepared for halloween!! :)

  29. These are great! Thanks for linking with Make It Fantabulous! I am featuring you as a favorite this week! Come grab a button and don't forget to link up your newest project!

  30. These are so cool and it's no wonder you can't stop each is different with lovely little details. I think the white with the acorns is my favorite, because it's an unexpected color. Thanks for sharing with us at A Crafty Soiree! Please join us next time too!

  31. Cute and love the one with the acorns! Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday:)

  32. Hey Its Cheri from Its So Very Cheri (0ne of the Stars)--these are so cute. I see yoyu are from Missouri. We are originally from the KC area.
    Good Luck
    from Its So Very Cheri and the DIY Club


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