Saturday, September 7, 2013

Epic Fail…Mosaic Bird Bath

I make things that don’t go well all the time.  Usually they are little projects, but this one is really a good one.  And I have been working on it for months!


This is a bird bath, all concrete, weighing approximately 4000 pounds. I bought it for $10 at an auction.


It was a standard garden variety (pun intended) concrete bird bath with chippy white paint and some old mosaic squares falling off the bowl.


I scraped off all those mosaic tiles and all the loose paint, then used two colors spray paint and randomly painted the inside of the bowl.


I added some flat marbles to the center and then just started doing circles around the center area in a pattern of sorts.  I was determined I would only use marbles I had on hand but ended up buying one package of shades of blue marbles.


And the bonus is that I used up a big Ziploc bag full of marbles.


I used E6000 to attach the marbles. 


E6000 is a really strong glue that will hold almost anything…


Here’s the nearly finished product…


I thought about grouting the bowl, but decided to try my hand at a resin to keep it waterproof and to help it survive the winter freezes.


It was going to be wonderful…but when the resin was poured on, it hardened almost immediately.  So, I was left with this…


I guess I should have skipped the resin…bummer!


The resin is no longer clear because the bubbles and ridges let water underneath…Anyone have any ideas on how to make this better?  I am thinking a chisel and hours of work or offering it free on Craigslist!


I may be linking to these great parties!



  1. What a shame about the resin. I've never used it so can't give you any advice. I love the effect you've created with your marbles though. Beautiful colours. Xx

  2. OH what a shame Ellen - it was looking so good with all those pretty glass beads! I do hope you can salvage it! sorry, I don't have any bright ideas myself!
    I also wanted to let you know that I featured your wool bouquet and vase on my round tuit post this week!
    Round Tuit 170
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  3. Wicked bummer!!! it was soooooooooo beautiful. Try googling resin remover and see what you get. damn resin!


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