Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Starting plants at home & Cute plant markers


Nasturtiums, cucumbers, and zinnias…oh my!!  I always plants some seeds to start my summer garden.   Making these fun plant markers


I always mark the seedlings so I know what to plant where…usually I can identify the plants but sometimes I can’t remember.


I used some wooden sticks I have had in the garage for years…I think my son and I last made coasters out of them when he was about eight years old!  Making these markers would be fun to do with the children at home and for great Mother’s Day gifts…plants a flower in a small cup or thrift store teacup and make a marker to go with it!


I painted almost to the end of them with some acrylic paint I had on hand, and marked the plant name on with a black Sharpie.


Milo is my gardening manager. Here he is checking to see if he can grab a stick when I am not watching…


I am trying to grow some cactus this year.  A few of them are up and so far they look like jade plants.


I love zinnias, but don’t love to pay $3 or $4 each for them at the nursery.  I got a mix of 1 to 3 feet sizes and all sorts of colors.


Poppies and moonflower vines are sprouting…


Cucumbers and pumpkins too!


The trays I used are from a party at work, they were plastic covers over sub sandwich trays.  I dug them out of a trash can…they were perfect for seed starter trays!  I might have been teased about being a dumpster digger!  


I can’t wait to dig in the dirt and plant them outside!

I will be linking up to some of these parties!



  1. What a great idea for those sticks Ellen! I'm going to start planting things in our garden very soon - think I might raid my girls craft supplies for some markers!

  2. Perfect timing! I just put some seeds into planting trays and I really needed this idea right now! Thanks!

  3. Lovely idea. Very summery looking!

  4. What fun ideas to share with my senior mom - she can't wait to get going with her summer gardening activities with her great-grandkids. And all my granddogs say WOOF to your cute Milo :)

  5. What a cute idea! I just love spring and getting your fingers dirty and watching little bits of green peek up! Just stopping by from the Say it Saturday Linky Party. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Isn't it the best fun to watch a seedling grow? Great makers, thanks for linking with me :)

  7. I'd like to invite you to my Friday Flash Blog, where you can share your best blog entry of the week! The party goes on ALL weekend at thejennyevolution.com. And who knows, you may just get featured next week.



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