Thursday, February 14, 2013

What I’ve been doing lately…


Well first of all, too much drama at work, that’s for sure…I try not to do drama, but it ain’t over yet, so hopefully I will hold up the next few weeks. I would rather have a root canal than have an argument (thanks mom!).  So in order to help offset the things I can’t do anything about, I have been going to the pool three times this week and last week and the week before!  Yay!  I have lost over 50 pounds now too, just nice and slow and steady and avoiding those carbs!


Look I found a heart in the woodpile!  It ran all the way through this log!  Crazy cool, huh?


Kinda how I feel about Valentine's Day!


I thought my house looked cozy from this angel until I noticed that Milo was peeing on a tree in the picture!


I have always wanted to recycle yarn from a sweater, so I found one at Goodwill for $2 and unraveled it into this great stash of yarn.  But will I do it again?  NOPE!  It was a lot of work and took forever.  But the yarn is all wool and I can’t wait to use it!


I made some thumbtacks with some giant rose resin flowers I got in a giveaway! 


My baby turned 19 yesterday…it seemed like it was just yesterday that he was a babe in arms!  He was such a good baby.  Here he is at 18 months on Grandpa’s John Deere.  Tie dye anyone?


I am nursing a sick kitty…Baby Kitty is an outdoor kitty and really wants to go outside, but he can’t bear weight on his front paw, so he isn’t safe out there.


And then there’s this guy…I can’t even read the paper without Milo sitting on my lap jockeying for my attention!


And oh yeah, I just hit 1000 GFC followers!  So happy and honored!!

Later friends!



  1. Wow. 50 pounds is fantastic. I'm only down 12 and I already feel a difference so I can imagine how great you must feel. I'll get there some day... Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. my fave posts from you always include the kitty or MILO! can't wait to meet that pup:) and sam is sooo adorable at 18 months!!!

  3. Hi Ellen - congrats on the huge weight loss! I wish I had the will power - things are pretty dire here, in that respect! Your house is so pretty - despite your little feller letting you down just at that mo! Take heart with things at work - take a deep breath and smile, and they'll never know the struggle inside! Have a good week, Chris xx


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