Monday, January 7, 2013

What I have been up to lately!

I found this cute wire cloche candleholder at Michaels this week…
I love this picture of my son…he is so handsome and smart and I am so proud of him.
My mom has been visiting for the past week and she brought her dog Jack…he’s a Jack Russell Terrier (you didn’t see that coming did ya?)…
Milo is happy…he smiles like this all the time…
Jack and Milo in the sun, hey guys, if it is too hot, why not move to the shade?
I had my chimney cleaned…just had my roof replaced this fall and probably the jiggling around on the roof caused a blockage in the pipe just above the stove.  I started a fire before I realized this and had to carry the smoldering logs out after I figured out there was no air flow!  Lovely…by the way, that is a mummified bat in the left front of the stove!  Ewwww!
I made 32 washcloths from old bath towels on Saturday!
I saw this on the way to work one morning this past week, yep, I stopped and took the picture!
This holly bush was outside my dentist’s office and I have always wanted to photograph it, so I took advantage of the fresh snow to get this shot!
Jack is smiling here…the weekend after Christmas I had five smallish dogs in my 1300 square foot house!  It was wild.  I felt like I should have had a license to have that many kennels in the house. 
The three rat terriers (or the rat pack as I call them) were happy to go home at the end of the weekend!
The paperwhites are blooming wonderfully for the past 3 weeks…I planted three pots of them about 10 days apart so I have had a great show the past 3 weeks!



  1. I love that cloche, your son is indeed very handsome and I love the photo of your Mum on the sofa with the dogs - so sweet! Wishing you a very happy new year! Maggie xx

  2. my heart skipped a beat when i saw the picture of holly. it is gorgeous! i love holly <3

    happy new year!


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