Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baby shower gifts

I made my niece Jess a quilt (well almost…didn’t quite get it done in time!) for her baby shower. I had seen something she had pinned on Pinterest and thought it was especially cute! 
I just used a bleached muslin for the background and I think I will use it for the backing as well…
Sam was my reluctant assistant!
I used bias tape to link the triangles.
I think Jess liked it!  And she said…I pinned a baby quilt like this!!  I said I know!!

I took fabric scraps and made the card to coordinate…
I used some glitter and glue to write Baby on the pennants and took some bakers twine to make the hanger for the banner.  I braided it and cut the ends so they could “blow” in the wind!
I also made the banner to decorate the gift table at the shower…Jess can also use that in her nursery.
One of the fun things at the shower was that each attendee was asked to bring a onesie that reflected something about them.
I made a tie applique on this one and also made one for my mom to bring that had rick rack.  We have a joke about how much rick rack my mom used on our clothes growing up!
We did have a lot of fun watching Jess guess who brought each onesie! 
I am linking to these great parties!


  1. What cute ideas! I absolutely love the blanket and how you used the theme throughout the whole party!

  2. very cute! I love how everything coordinated!

  3. wow!!!!! youve been busy and while i love everything about your post

    the quilt it gives me ideas I could use on my own crafty things

    love the card especially the hanger

  4. So awesome! So glad you linked to Things I've Done Thursday!

  5. Hey Ellen! I'm Amanda - I blog at Royal Daughter Designs. I'm co-hosting the Networking Blog Hop and just wanted to say hi! The banners are super cute - and I love the onsies on a clothes line! Great way to decorate for a baby shower. :)

    Be blessed!

  6. You're thoughfulness. Colors are coordnated so well. Your niece must love it.

  7. Very cute! Do you have an etsy shop? I found you through a blog hop and I am a new follower.

  8. I'm stopping in from the blog hop. I'm following. I'd love for you to link up your quilt at my weekly link party on Wednesdays. You can find me at www.thenymelrosefamily.blogspot.com

  9. What a great idea with the onesies!!
    And I love the quilt and card you made!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  10. Love the idea of everyone bringing a onesie!


  11. Great idea for onesies! My daughter and I are in the process of making a pennant quilt for my sister-in-law's baby shower gift. We are just about done quilting, just need to add the binding!

  12. That's a great idea with the onesies

  13. What great shower ideas! Here is my Making Monday Marvelous link: http://likemamalikedaughter.blogspot.com/2012/04/crafting-on-with-needle-and-thread.html

  14. That quilt is so cute and we LOVE the onesie idea! We need to remember that for the future ;)
    Thanks for sharing at Beautify It Monday! We hope we'll see you again next week!

  15. Colors are coordnated so well, anyone would love it, Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.


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