Sunday, February 12, 2012


Aren’t these owl zip cases so cute?  Sarah sent them in this month’s “present box”. Love them, I had seen some others she had made and admired them avidly…perhaps that is where she got the idea that I wanted some like this!
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Today is my son’s 18th birthday!  I can’t believe he is now officially an adult!  He is planning to go to Mizzou to school this fall…I am so proud of him.  Boy they sure do grow up fast!  Just yesterday he was a baby…and in a few months he will be graduating from high school!
This is my first and only attempt at upholstering…I am getting rid of this chair and I am totally done with it!  Definitely a FAIL!!!  Things just didn’t go very well and truthfully I don’t even like the chair anymore!
I am so pleased with how many hits my blog is getting these days…seems to be Pinterest related, although I am not entirely sure.  Let’s get a close-up of those numbers!  Yesterday was a record number of daily pageviews, today beat that number by 500+ more!  I am OK with that!  (Screenshots taken on my new iPhone 4—it really does so much more than old iPhone 3!)
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Tomorrow morning I get my stitches taken out from my shoulder surgery…they have been there for 11 days and are driving me crazy!  I had surgery because I had 3 tears in my rotator cuff, but the good news was that they didn’t have to do the big surgery to repair it, just some smaller cleaning up of scar tissue, so recovery time is limited!  So tomorrow I get to go back to work!  Yay, that’s great because I do love my job!
Just one more tidbit…in addition to a new phone, last week I got new glasses!  The old ones were five years old at least and oh yeah, I couldn’t see out of them!!  So here are a very bad few pics of my new glasses…I got two pair since the second pair was only $60 more…good to have a spare pair in case a pair breaks!  I love them both, they are both retro looking…
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Have a great week, everybody!  I plan to!


  1. Stopping by from the Linky Follower Party Hop!

  2. Time flies, particularly happy days gone fast. Congrats for the popular hits. Now that your toy iPhone you can play around at any time, very functional !

  3. Such a handsome boy! I'm a new Linky Follower! I hope that you'll follow me back. Be sure to enter my giveaway if you check out my blog.

    Thank you! :-)

  4. I found your blog from Linky follower blog hop. Yes the grow up so fast don't they. My daughter will be 15 this year. Looks like your shoulder healed nicely. I love Pinterest!! Happily following on Linky. Hope you can stop by my blog,

    Hugs, LisaKay
    Belles Roses Romantiques

  5. Dropping by from the Alexa Hop! New Linky follower! Can I get a follow back please? Thanks!



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