Monday, February 6, 2012

A heart necklace…

My sis Sarah and I exchange a little gift every other month, at the beginning of the even months.  So it is time here for the February gift and this gift I just didn’t want to part with!


I started with some sheet music, a few pages from an old dictionary, an old map, some scrapbooking paper, Mod Podge, small flat shell beads and a few bigger ones, some necklace jewelry chain, a few jump rings and a heart punch (about an inch in diameter), oh yeah, and an idea!


First I cut out the hearts…I used the “heart” page in the dictionary, some cute song lyrics (the farmer takes a wife, the wife takes…etc), and maps from everywhere Sarah has lived. 


I Mod Podged (is that a word?) the hearts to the scrapbook paper (cardstock) and just kept applying layers of Mod Podge until the hearts were quite stiff, I covered both sides of the cardstock.  Let them dry completely and then punch a tiny hole in the top of each heart. 


Attach a jump ring to each bead and each heart and place them on the chain, arranging them as you wish!  Mine are arranged imperfectly, no measuring.  I made my necklace long enough that I didn’t put a clasp on it, but you could if you wanted or if you made the necklace shorter.


I wish I could see her open it!


Well, I didn’t get to see Sarah open the necklace, but I did enjoy getting a few texts from her!  She was talking about the necklace! 


Now I believe I am going to have to make one for myself!

I am linking to these great parties!



  1. LOVE it! Especially the use of the maps on the charms. What a great idea! Thanks so much for linking up to Cowgirl Up! Hope to see you next week!

  2. This is a great idea and one that I have passed along. U can do so many things with this. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm sure she will love it! It turned out really lovely.

    I hope you'll cone share this at the Knick of Time Tuesday Vintage Style party that is open now.

    Angie @ Knick of Time

  4. I enjoy making jewlery myself and I've never thought to do something so clever with modge clever clever lady!! I love how you and your sister exchange gifts like that too cool!!

  5. This is beautiful! I'd love for you to share this at Mix it up Monday:

    I hope to see you then:)

  6. This is adorable!!. I am just surfing the blogger world and I see the map heart says Stoddard. I am in Stoddard Co. MO right now!!. I'm working in Advance. What a small world. I've lived in this area all of my life. I probably know your Sis. Anyhoo, she is very blessed to have such a thoughtful sister.


  7. I love this. What a great use for old maps. I am a happy new follower from Cowgirl Up.

  8. LOVE this!!! Great job. Thanks for sharing :)

  9. What a wonderful gift! Love the mod podge hearts!!!! I'd love it if you'd stop by and link up here:

  10. I love that you exchange gifts every cute! I hope you will link up with me here:

  11. Love, love, love this! Sae this at Someday Crafts and I so want to make one. What did you use to punch the holes in the modgepodged hearts?? I'm just a little south of you outside of Springfield and I'm your newest follower!

  12. How clever! Modge Podge is magical! My favorite is the Farmer and the Dell heart!

    Found you at Ginger Snap Crafts
    Visiting from Well Rounded,

  13. Ooh, I've never used Modge Podge but I think I will now! Thanks for the tute - think you've got me hooked now!

  14. I just love the idea of using sheet music and pages from old books. Looks amazing!

  15. Absolutely Mod Podged is a verb. I've been using it that way for at least 17 years ;-) Thanks for sharing this cute project!

  16. What a great tradition to do this every other month! And this is a lovely gift - and I like how you made it special by using maps from places she has lived! Nice work!

  17. I wanted you to know I am following your new LINKY FOLLOWER tool. I hope you will come over and follow me as well.

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

  18. That's such a fun idea to exchange with your sis! That necklace is fab! So glad to have found you thru Cheri's blog hop party. New Linky Follower - hope you can pop over soon.

  19. A wonderful idea to use specific words of the song. enJOYing your blog.

  20. What a special tradition you too share! Love the necklace!

  21. I absolutely love this necklace. To think that the hearts are just paper. I must make myself one. Just pinned it so I can remember how.
    I'd love for you to share this at my very first link party.

  22. first of all, i love the tradtion you have with your sister, that's awesome (i run a blog together with my sister) and that gift you made her looks absolutely amazing! i always adore projects with sheet music, book pages and maps! and that you even personalized it in a way to choose pieces of the maps from places she has lived? well, it doesn't get any better than that! wonderful project, thanks for sharing!

  23. Enjoy your blog! So glad I found you via the Linky Blog Hop. Following you now! Hope you can come visit me at

  24. Beautiful necklace, Linky Following you too.

  25. This necklace is so much fun! You will have to make one for yourself! I hope you will link it up to my party at:

    Have a great day! Linda

  26. No kidding, this is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time! Of course, I'm partial to music and maps and dictionaries, so that might explain it. Plus love all the dangley cuteness of this! Very clever!

  27. I bet this makes the best sounds as you move too :0)

    Thanks so much for taking part in our Pin'Inspiration Party. Hope that you are having as much fun exploring as I am and that you'll take part in helping the "Beat the Winter Blues" on Saturday.

  28. Beautiful necklace...she will love it! Following you via the LF blog hop. Hope you can follow me back. :)

  29. Found you through the Linky Followers blog hop. I'm your newest follower. Hope you come for a visit and follow as well.

  30. I love all the elements you've put together in this necklace, especially the paper hearts. A bit of Diamond Glaze would really make those hearts shine. Putting this on my list, thanks!

  31. What a great piece of themed jewelry! Love it. I'm linky following you :)

  32. I'm here through the Linky hop. Your necklace is lovely. I will enjoy following your blog.

  33. This is a very creative idea.

    Mrs. Delightful

  34. found ya thanks to the linky blog hop. so i'm a new linky follower, would you please follow me as well. i'm loving this necklace so cool & different. (:

  35. I popped over from the Linky Follower party HOP to follow you and hope you will come follow me as well.

    Cheri from Its So Very Cheri

    (if you are already following me--sorry for the confusion--I am having a hard time keeping track of all the new followers and trying to follow everyone who entered my Linky Follower Party Hop.)

  36. What a great idea! Love it!!! I found you through Cheri's Blog Hop and I'm your newest follower! Hope you can drop by Moose Mouse Creations and follow me too!

  37. I love this idea.I am now following you on linky followers. I would love it if you followed me back. I always enjoy meeting new bloggers.

  38. So pretty! I want to get into jewelry making and this is so inspiring and really looks well made-I love sheet music and Mod Podge. And so sweet that you exchange gifts with your sister!

  39. I'm so in love with this creation!

  40. This is FABULOUS! Lucky sister indeed! Thanks for sharing.

  41. love, love, love this! I'ma musician AND and crafter, so this piece ticks all my boxes. thanks for giving me a great idea on how to use up my drawers full of unused sheet music!


  42. How pretty! Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have a chance to visit and perhpas follow me back.

  43. This is awesome! You absolutely need to make another one for yourself :)

  44. What a fun tradition!! Thanks for linking to Things I've Done Thursday!

  45. This is gorgeous, such a lovely gift!

  46. thanks for linking up to totally tutorials tuesday. You were featured today!!
    Have an awesome weekend!!

  47. Oh I love this so much! Thanks for sharing at this week's BFF Open House. What a wonderful project!

  48. love this creative necklace! The hearts are perfect!! Thanks so much for linking up to Feature Friday Linky Party!

    Have a Great Weekend!

  49. Super cute! I'd love for you to link up to Do Something Crafty Friday:

  50. Hi, this is sooooo beautiful, you are very talented, such a cute idea - I'm following you on Linky...maybe you could like up to me :-)

    Thanks and have a great weekend!

  51. Your sister is a lucky girl. That is beautiful! I'm a new Linky Follower (from the LF blog hop) and I'd love it if you would visit my blog,

  52. That is a gorgeous necklace! I am in awe of your talent!
    I am a new follower via Linky Party Hop. I hope you will stop by my blog, say hello and follow me back!

  53. What a neat idea! I love vintage music, script, and maps!! Just found you on a link party!! New follower...:)

  54. That necklace is amazing, what a cool idea!

  55. This is beautiful. My daughter is a music education major and would LOVE this...I'll have to try to make one myself. Thanks so much for sharing

  56. It is beautiful!! Thank you for sharing it at Sharing Saturday!!

  57. I wish I were your sister :-) Such a wonderful gift - sounds like fun tradition with your sister...
    I am stopping by from the Answer Is Chocolate link party where I've linked up too.
    Hugs, antonella :-)
    my free printables are here

  58. Such a beautiful piece. I so want to make some of these hearts!

  59. What a gorgeous necklace! So personal and special!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  60. Just wanted to let you know I featured this as part of my BFF Open House wrap up! Please feel free to grab a featured button from my sidebar if you like!

  61. Very cute! I'll be trying this. Consider sharing with my readers at !

    Happy Valentine's Day,


  62. This is awesome!! I love all the personalized detail. The map hears of where she has lived are adorable! Thank you for sharing with us at Link It Up Thursday.

  63. Wow! What a fantastic, personal, meaningful, lovely gift!! I love things made from maps/book pages/sheet music! I bet your sister will treasure this always. Thanks so much for sharing at Shine on Fridays!

  64. Beautiful necklace. As is, a perfect gift for the world traveler, musician, geography and music teachers or students. Thanks for sharing. Found your site from Under the Table and Dreaming. Keep up the great work.

  65. WOW! This is amazing!!! :)

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  66. Very pretty! And perfect for music lovers! Thanks for sharing. I will be featuring and linking in a future blog post so others can come visit!

  67. Cute necklace and wonderful tradition! We loved having you link up to our "Strut Your Stuff Saturday!" We hope to see you back next Saturday with more fun ideas! -The Sisters

  68. Absolutely adorable necklace. I adore it.

    I am actually coming to your site from the FOLLOWERS linky blog hop, and am following you. Will you follow me back?? Thank you so much when you do.

    There is also a party on our blog today, where you can feature 'your best creative work'.

    Use this link to do both:

    Have a happy day! Hope to seeing you around!!

  69. This is a darling idea, lucky sis!! thanks for joining in on VIF!

  70. I am featuring this on Tickled pink!!! I just love it!

  71. Just wanted to say that you're being featured on One Artsy Mama tomorrow for this project! Thanks for sharing it!

  72. I think this is creative & beautiful. It's my pleasure to feature you in my Fab Friday Favorites tonight. Please come back next Friday!

    Warmly, Michelle

  73. Im a newbie at internet etc. just found this and You &your sister are lucky to have each other. Necklace is Great, so giving.

  74. This is awesome, what a l ucky sister you have!

  75. This is, perhaps, my most slow-pokey week yet. My apologies for taking so long to get over here from “A Little Birdie Told Me..” to enjoy your post. It’s important to me to visit and really give my full attention to all the links, but as the party grows it’s taking more and more time. Thank you so much for bearing with me, and for continuing to share your talent at Rook No. 17!

  76. hello, fellow midwesterner! i am your newest follower and found you thru the grow your blog linky party.

  77. Wow, what a fun necklace!! I bet she absolutely loved it!

  78. wow. comment lucky 88.

    Thank you for your contribution to our 'Time for a Party' link-up. Obviously, everyone loves this.... :-) Thank you for sharing.

    Tomorrow we'll open a new party at and we'd love to see you there then again with a beautiful project like this.

    Till then! Keep up that great creativity!!!

  79. HI there I'm a new follower and love that necklace. How lucky you are to have a loving relationship with your sister. Definitely going to make that necklace. Thanks so much for sharing and the tutorial.
    Glad you're getting followers also. I'll be starting a blog and have no idea what I'm doing. Being a bit digitally challenged doesn't help either. What was that word? What does that mean? lol
    Good luck to you Ellen

  80. Where did you find the shell beads? I have looked several places and not had any luck yet.

  81. You have just way too much talent for one person and I think you should share! VERY cute.

  82. I wish I were your sister :-) Such a wonderful gift - sounds like fun tradition with your sister... I am stopping by from the Answer Is Chocolate link party where I've linked up too. Hugs, antonella :-) my free printables are here

  83. Love, love love this idea. I am going to pin it and try it soon. Thanks! Bless you.


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