Sunday, January 22, 2012

Christmas 2011

Christmas collage3

I had a wonderful Christmas…got to see the great nieces, my mom stayed with me a month, most of December and a week in January. I don’t have a bunch of great pics, but these pics are from Christmas with my nieces and nephews and my brother and sister in law.


Sam and I had extra presents to gift for my mom, she had to have a stocking and of course things to put in the stocking!  I even did some last minute knitting to give her a special gift!  So that was fun…


I got great gifts as always…I had dropped the hint about the heart pin I had been drooling over since I first saw it on etsy.  The shop is Woolly Fabulous (sorry that shop is on vacation at the current time) and boy, there are some great pins there, made out of wool and zippers. Very professionally made and so cute—owls, hearts, birds, snowmen, holly.  And then there’s the Lands End peacock sweater that my mom got me after she heard me oohing and aahing over it for weeks before Christmas.  And the Big Ass Book of Crafts—I got one and two!  And the Santa canvas is soooo cute!  Love it!  My son got me The Help DVD…mom and I watched it at least 3 times, maybe 4!  And I got the newest book by the Yarn Harlot Stephanie Pearl McPhee, All Wound Up!  It is most entertaining as are all her books!

So I am blessed by being able to be with family…plus this year was the first year ever that I was off both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and that was truly a treat.  I changed jobs a year ago this month, so I am now off all holidays and I work in a great place! 


1 comment:

  1. good for you! Looks like a party!!! And I bet you appreciate those holidays off!


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