Thursday, January 12, 2012

Bottle Lamp

I have this bottle that I got for $4 at JoAnn’s over a year ago.


I am such a sucker for anything this shade of blue!  But…probably because I only paid $4 for it, the color faded and then started to flake off.  I finally got it in the sink and washed it and the remaining color flecks came right off.   So now it looks like this…


Not bad, but I stuck it in a closet for a while, just to teach it a lesson and just because I wasn’t in love with it any more!


And then I saw this tutorial on making glass bottle lamps.  I knew what had to be done…and I got busy doing it!


Finding the supplies I needed was the hardest part!  I finally found the parts at an Ace Hardware, Westlakes here in Columbia.  They had tons of different sized corks! 


Of course I got one that was gigantic so I had to whittle it down to size so it would fit. 


Not perfect, but not bad!


I love it! 


The teensy tiny shade is temporary…I will start looking for one that is the appropriate size but I couldn’t wait to brag show off my new lamp!


I saw as I was taking pictures that there is a chunk of cork in the bottom of the lamp…I need to fish that out, but I think I will save that for another day!



Here it is with the new shade…and I made a seashell finial! 

I am linking up to these great parties!




  1. You could fill that bottle with marbles, buttons, rocks, shells, and the list goes on and on!
    Happy Crafting.

  2. I love it! And I love that you came back to tell me you were inspired by our project!!! I'm so glad. It looks awesome...I happen to like the paler blue better but that's just me. The bottle has a very nice shape. I know you could fell it with all kinds of things but the lightness and reflective quality of the empty glass is beautiful all by itself too.
    Yay for both of us and our bottle lamps!!!

  3. Nice! I rewired a lamp I love last year. I can't believe how easy it was. And of course the ROCK STAR feeling you get when you are done. Hope you share once you find the right shade.

  4. Awesome job!! i have been researching this all week so turn some of my bottles into lamps! Great Tutorial!I think I even love the lighter blue even more!

    Kelli @

  5. I love your lamp. It still looks like it has a blue tint to it. I am looking to make a lamp. Thanks for the inspiration. I am adding you to the blogs I follow. Would love to have you visit Suppers, Youngans, & Thangs and see what is going on over at my blog.

  6. Great to turn it to a lamp, a very clear stand of nice shape.

  7. Love this. I have a big juice jugs I want to do this to

  8. That's awesome. And you could change it up and put random stuff in it, if you wanted to.

  9. Wow!!! Thanks for sharing! I will have to try one myself. And I LOVE the "after" color of the bottle even more than the before.

  10. Wow, thanks for sharing this! You did an awesome job!

  11. Great lamp! Sorry it isn't blue anymore for you though.

  12. What a cool idea for the lamp! Such a shame all that lovely blue colour came off though!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  13. So strange that the paint just flaked off. Nice recovery though! Thanks for linking up at Etcetorize~

  14. WOW - I love it. You are kind of lucky that the paint chipped off! It looks way better!

  15. I { L O V E } this. When I was a child my mom and dad made me a lamp out of a really cool shaped wine bottle and they put marbles in the bottom (I loved playing with marbles). I have it, but the cork dry rotted and I have been wanting to re-do it. You have made this a priority for me. Thanks!

  16. Great looking lamp! I had to smile when I saw you live in Columbia. We probably drive past the ACE store you mentioned on our way to see family who also live in your town. :)

  17. Ellen, this is so creative! I'm visiting from the Link Party! Hope you get the time to drop by my place as well!
    Love, Olga

  18. oh my goodness - this lamp is amazing!! Thank you for linking up!


  19. I have always wanted to try this. I think I can handle it now. It looks great!

  20. What a great way to make lemonade out of lemons! I love the way it turned out. Thanks so much for linking this to Fabulous Friday. Please do come back next week.

    Warmly, Michelle

  21. How cool! I've always wanted to try making a lamp but never have. I love that you could fill this one with so many different things!

  22. So pretty! Love the after! Fab job!!! :) :) :)

  23. This is great! So beachy- the shells are so appropriate!



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