Monday, October 17, 2011

The first in a long time…

Vacation that is…I took a vacation!  It was lovely.  I went with my mom on a trip to New England…we had a blast and I was so honored to be able to go with her.   I know I haven’t been blogging much, I thought I could do so from mom’s iPad, but that was too hard and too time consuming, so I decided to just wait.
I knitted my way across the states of Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Maine, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont.  I am one of those people that can knit and watch scenery out the bus window at the same time so it was perfect for a trip like this.
Here’s my finished products…I had a new pattern for a knitted dishcloth and took probably 10 skeins of Sugar and Cream cotton yarn.  I ended up with 5 great new dishcloths and several wool flowers I made from scrap yarn (no pics yet for those).
Here’s my mom…we are eating at Applebee's somewhere on the way there. We went on a bus tour, which wasn’t very fun, but we survived it!
Finding this little blue cottage on the right was the highlight of my trip.  Mom and I rented a car and drove to Gales Ferry, Connecticut to see if we could find this little house where my older brother and I were born.  We drove and drove, thinking that perhaps the little house was gone.  We drove past the house four times before we realized this was probably the one! 
More about this later, and I will have pics of Niagara Falls, the ocean and lots of other places we went.  I just wanted to post something to let you all know that I am still here!

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