Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday Ten

This beautiful red flower comes back every year…just one of them…I have no idea what kind of flower it is.
Can’t believe how the plants in the water garden are growing…the fish are getting really big too! Added some new oxygenator plants last week and I think everything is happier.  The feathery plant to the right of the fish is one of them…called parrot’s feather.
I slept right through this storm…note the umbrella rods are bent upwards…I found the cloth of the umbrella on the other side of the house!  Luckily I had just bought another umbrella at an auction for $2!  It is green, not my favorite color, but $2!!  I couldn’t resist!!
You would think that I would have heard this since it is right outside my window!
Angel wing begonias…love em so much!  I always have one or two both inside and outside!  And there are so many varieties of them too!
This butterfly loves the lizards tail plant…and I must say, it does have unique beautiful spiky blooms!
Ruth and Charlie (niece and nephew) horsing around…at the auction barn, helping their dad helping set up for a Monday auction on Father’s Day.  Getting along like true siblings!  Such great kids, or young adults I guess I should say!
Breakfast Sunday morning…mmm good!
Strange Father’s Day…I missed my Dad no less than the first Father’s Day without him a year ago.  Seems strange not to get him a card, not to call him on this day!
My dad and mom at my sister Susan’s wedding. 


  1. Love your pictures! What a great idea to post 10! I might just have to copy that idea ...next Tuesday!

    I am sorry for your loss. I don't think we are ever 'old' enough to be without our parents.

  2. I have a shot of the same type of butterfly, great post!

  3. Hi Ellen - Great pictures. I love the butterfly - how gorgeous! I have so many butterflies around I am definitely going to add one of those plants to my garden list. Thanks for sharing. Your pond is fabulous...that is also on our to-do but I don't seeing it completed for quite some time. The plants look fantastic. I am glad the umbrella was the only thing damaged in the storm....It looks like you had some rough weather...I can't believe you slept through it =) Thanks so much for linking your Tuesday Ten - I greatly appreciate it and love reading everyone's posts! Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn


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