Sunday, June 5, 2011

Personalized Drop Cloth Pillow


I love drop cloth projects…I made this bed skirt several months ago.  I love the natural look and the fact that it is sturdy and of course, cheap! I had some scraps left over from the bed skirt, and they were long strips.  I found two pillows forms that I had saved for who knows what…well, I just didn’t know why then I had saved them, but know I know why!  Yes, this one is covered in dark purple, sew right on to the form!  Don’t ask!


I wrapped the strip around the long side of the pillow (they were both rectangular) overlapping the already hemmed end of the drop cloth a good six inches (to make the overlap in the back instead of putting a zipper in).


I then just sewed (I used my serger) one seam down each long side of the pillow.  That was it!  I was done.  I placed a thin line of Fray Check down the unfinished side that doesn’t show (it’s inside the pillow) and at each corner just because the drop cloth is such a loose weave.


Turn it right side out and you have a pillow that looks pretty professional.  (At least I think so!)  I wanted to make an initial pillow…but I couldn’t find the right stencil for the font I wanted…I was standing in line at Michaels and looked (as usual) at the $1 bins by the checkout counter.  I found this perfect letter g….I also wanted a p, but thought this would do, I could forget the tail and just put the bottom of the p there instead.


So I traced around it on the finished pillow with a very light pencil…


and this is what I ended up with…so I used my fabric marker with the chisel tip to fill in the letter.


And this is what I got…


I wanted to make another so I made a cover with a P on it….same way, different letter.



Ta Da!!  Here is the finished altered P letter.


This particular fabric marker requires 24 hour drying time (although it never actually feels wet)…so I had to be patient and wait for it to dry before I stuffed the pillow in and showed it off!



Now here they are, all done and ready to use!


I am linking up to these great parties!



  1. What an incredibly cute pillow! It also looks like it was so simple! Thanks for the great idea! :)

  2. I popped to the dropcloth aisle when I was in the DIY superstore the other day but the only fabric ones they had in stock were really coarse fabric. I'm going to keep looking when in other stores though, cuz as you know it's a good cheap way to get that fabric.

  3. Looks great! I've never heard of those fabric markers!

  4. ps- this would be perfect for linking up to scrappy saturdays over at candace creations! The linky is still open fromthis last saturday or you can wait till next saturday's linky )or link up something else each week)

  5. Hi from your newest google follower/s, saw you on Handmade Tuesdays, please pop by, Karima from

  6. Nice! I would have never of known that you used a sharpie to fill in the letter! What a fabulous idea!
    I would love if you'd link this up at Sew Woodsy today at our What's Up Wednesday's link party.

  7. Good idea to use a drop cloth!

  8. Love your pillows - a great look at a great price. Thanks for sharing at My Girlish Whims.

  9. Very cute. I love working with drop cloths too.

  10. BTW Thanks for sharing at my Swing into Spring party. I hit post comment too quick. Lol

  11. So cute! Don't you just hate waiting the 24 hours? That drives me crazy! Thank you so much for linking up!

  12. i am in love with your pillows...drop cloths are my favorite new fabric to use for everything...and fabric painting the letters? brilliant...thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!

    stuff and nonsense

  13. I love using drop cloths too. I have a drop cloth project planned for my sons room, I just need to find a really big zipper first. ;)

  14. Totally have to try this out. What a great idea!

  15. What a fun drop cloth project! I am having a PILLOW FIGHT on my blog, for charity, and would love it if you would consider linking up, and taking part in it!


  16. That's cute! Reminds me of the Scrabble tile pillows that are selling for hideous prices at various online stores! Have been meaning to make one myself--your post has reminded me how easy it can be, so thank you!


  17. I have been crushing on drop cloth! Love these pillow makeovers. =]

  18. Really fun, almost a scrabble tile.

    Found you via the Sew Darn Crafty link up.

  19. What a lovely simple and effective project!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  20. Ellen, you did a beautiful job of sewing those pillows and creating the bold lettering. I've had a drop cloth sitting around in my craft room, just waiting for the inspiration to strike. Well, consider me suitably inspired!

  21. I will be featuring these tonight at my Swing into Spring party. Please stop by and pick up an I've Been Featured Button. The link opens tonight at 8pm EST. Thanks.

  22. I still can't get over this pillow! Thank you for linking up to Sew Woodsy last week. We hope you'll come back today and link up another craft project!


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