Monday, May 30, 2011

The Beautiful Flower Girl

I love to sew and I especially love to sew for little girls!  My great niece Elena is going to be a flower girl in a wedding next weekend and I was asked (and gladly accepted the offer) to make her dress.  Today her mom Liz and her baby sis Audrey came over to try the dress on and to be sure that we needed no further alterations. 


Given that Elena loves princesses, she really does love the dress!  It is definitely princess worthy!


This pattern was quite the problem.  The instructions were actually wrong!  I have run into that one other time and I have been sewing for 44 years (aaacckkk, how could that be?).  The instructions clearly said to sew the shoulder seams together so I did, then I turned the paper over for the rest of the directions and hmmm, the picture showed the shoulder seams unsewn.  And unfortunately, I had serged the seams so there was no picking it out and going back.


I sweated and swore at it, but I had to make some major changes in the way the dress was put together.  I had to do a lot more hand stitching than I wanted to…but you can’t really tell and it is beautiful! 


I made two of the organza flowers (one for the front of the dress and one for Elena’s hair) out of scraps from the overskirt.


This girl is so beautiful!  She was my first great niece and I am quite proud of her.  Actually I am very proud of all my nieces and nephews.  She calls me Yaya.  Her family is moving away to Kentucky (or Hamtucky as Elena says) in a few weeks.  I am going to really miss the whole family so much. 

I am linking to these great parties!



  1. i LOVE her dress! the blue is such a pretty contrast. i know you are going to miss that little stinky princess so much!!

  2. this is beautiful! i love it:)

  3. This is so cute. You did a great job in light of all the challenges. I have fabric and a pattern to make two flower girl dress for my son's wedding. I haven't sewn for little ones in forever. I can't wait to get started.

  4. What a beautiful dress (and little girl)!! Great job!

  5. Wow, that is beautiful! It turned out great and I can tell that you have a lot of experience. That would've cost a ton of money in a bridal store!

  6. It's beautiful!! Sorry about that pattern issues. Reminds me of a princess dress my mom made when I was little for a family wedding. When she was making it, she said "this will be like your wedding dress one day." And that one day will be next summer!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  7. So Pretty!

    ~jan at

  8. Aw, this is adorable! She loves it - you can tell by the look on her face! Well done!

  9. What a precious dress - your great niece is just adorable. I really dislike when sewing patterns lead you astray.

  10. That is such a beautiful dress! And look at that smile--it was obviously a success. I'm very impressed that you figured out how to fix that problem! I would have thrown my hands up in the air and gone out to buy a dress. :) Ah, who am I kidding--I would never try to do something that daring in the first place! Great job!


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