Friday, March 11, 2011

What is Crazier than a Pet Squirrel??

Well, it is not this dog....this is Jack, my mom's dog.  And I think that might be a chipmunk he is chewing on!
I was talking to my mom in her sewing room and just happened to catch this hungry squirrel outside the door robbing birdseed from the birds.
(Please pardon the through-the-screen shots!)
He clearly had done this before and didn't seem too concerned with me standing at the window just feet away.
He looked this way and that way...
and continued to feed without regard to the fact that it was not his food...
but I guess if someone set a smorgasbord out in my living room, I would be tempted too!
So, the answer to the question "What is crazier than a pet squirrel?"
is a hungry wild squirrel!
He's got places to go and birdseed to eat!!


  1. What a cute squirrel!!!
    I just stopped by to let you know that I featured your girls tank top dress on my round tuit post this week!
    Thanks again for linking up! Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. My dog would go crazy with a squirrel that close to the house!

    Newly GFC following you (found you through the Follow Along Linky). I'm new to blogging and working on redecorating a condo from scattered-still-looks-like-college-hodgepodge-meets-man-cave and changing it into a cohesive home. One little bit of inspiration and small project at a time. My blog has all sorts of things that make me smile plus I'm cataloging my inspiration there as well. And once I've got a few before and after pictures, I'll be sharing my projects.

    Love your blog--thank you for sharing your projects--I just love bloggyland for all the fabulous inspiration and I definitely try to follow anyone who has similar tastes to me and good projects!


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