Sunday, March 6, 2011

In a Jewelry Making Mood

I saw these little pea charms...they were too cute to pass by. I knew I had to make some earrings.  So that was my plan when I bought them probably two years ago.  I drug out my jewelry making box and got busy. 
I went through a "phase" two years ago of making glass beads.  I worked for about a year learning how to use the torch and I went to a local craft studio to use their equipment and their expertise as the equipment is rather pricey!  Anyway, these black beads I made myself!  I had a small plastic food container full of beads that I made, so while I was making jewelry I got them out and started putting them together!
These are not ones I made, but I thought they were pretty. I love pink and black together.
Here are more of the ones I made.  I had enough to make a full necklace...
I learned all sorts of techniques and achieved various levels of expertise (or maybe just experience) in making these.
Some things I mastered, some techniques I never could grasp....I learned how to make square beads, but my squares would have five sides or they would be rectangles.  I tried and tried to make two of a kind (any kind) for earrings and those two black beads in the second picture were as close as I got.
So these  nonmatching beads in the necklace were perfect!
I put a cool clasp leaf and twig clasp on the necklace.
Very pretty in my favorite colors and very one of a kind!


  1. I had a problem with my linky party code. I thought it was set up as a thumbnail party but it wasn't. It's all fixed now but can you add your link again? I''m so sorry for the inconvenience. :( xoxo

  2. Following your blog, came over from Making the World Cuter. Cute stuff here!

  3. HI! found you through the follow along! new follower here ^^)

  4. I love your work it is so beautiful!

  5. Your jewelry is absolutely beautiful! I'm so impressed with people that create such lovely things.

    Hope you'll stop by my blog when you get a moment!

  6. I love jewelry! Those look amazing! Thanks for sharing over at Tuesday Tell All.

  7. Beautiful Beads! I would love to learn to make glass beads!

  8. Ellen, you are a woman of many talents, and I'm so honored to have you share them at Rook No. 17! Thank you!


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