Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Revisiting the Sewing Desk Makeover

You may remember my post about my Goodwill Desk Makeover...it turned out OK, but something was missing. 
I have been using it for the past 2-3 months and my cast from my ankle had already rubbed a hole in the paint on the inside.
I used Dutch Boy Interior Paint in Cape Blue which reminded me of the ocean and blue skies all rolled into one color.
I read all the comments on my blog post and several emails that suggested I use lacquer or polyurethane.  Well, the lacquer is a lot cheaper, I mean less expensive than polyurethane, so I decided to give it a try.

This was all the lacquer that WalMart had and I was too tired to go any where else!  After using it I am in love with it!!  By this time next year, I will probably have the entire house lacquered!  I also decided to distress the finish as well since my cast had already started the job for me!  So this past weekend, my son and I drug the desk back out on the deck!!
A good time was not necessarily had by all, but we got the job done.  This baby is heavy! 
I got out my sandpaper and got busy!
In some spots, I sanded down to the cream colored primer, but in other spots I went all the way to the wood.  It made me a little nervous, because it took me forever to get that paint all in the right spots.  Now here I was taking it off! 
Anyway, I think I did OK...
In order to "keep it real"  I left all my junk all over the table top and I didn't vacuum the wool scraps from underneath the desk. 
I am working on some felted flowers and some Mizzou bean bags and about a zillion other things.
All at the same time!
The edges look pretty good huh?  And I do like the way the primer shows through in some places.
You can see the soft shine on the top...
And there is my non matching chair, with the vintage napkin seat cushion.  It's very comfy!
I put three coats of lacquer on the heavy traffic areas (the top, the drawers, and the inside where my legs go. 
I really like the soft luster, it is a satin finish and looks really durable.
And I do love the knobs very much!
So that is what I did this past weekend!


  1. Your piece looks even better now! I love that lacquer also, only I don't love the smell... instant migraine for me, oh well. Now, I just put on a mask, apply the lacquer and run! I love the color you chose & the knobs as well. Glad it is functional for you, too!

  2. i like it more a little distressed. it's more charming! hobby lobby just opened 20 minutes from me... hello cute knobs!

  3. Looks great!!

    I have a blog award for you if you want to accept it. Here's the link:


  4. This is great! I am currently working (or thinking of working) on a sewing desk I picked up at Salvos last week. Great ideas. I'll have to use the lacquer too, I think.


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