Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Felted Bowl and Felted Acorns...a match made in heaven!

I crocheted this bowl...sort of adapting a pattern from two different free online patterns...from three half-used skeins of wool from Goodwill!  I loved the color combo of these three yarns and took a chance to see if they would felt well together.  And this time it paid off!  I spent less than $1 on the yarn, so I was pleased with the end result. 
There is some mohair in the yarn I used all the way through, so it is slightly fuzzy.
My sister and I made felted acorns a year ago when she was at my house for a crafting weekend.
I must say I have been addicted to wool acorns since then. 
These wool balls are wet felted (except for the stripey ones which I admit to buying on etsy), allowed to dry and then hot glued into the acorn caps.
I love the pops of color combined with the natural elements of the acorn caps. 
There are several different types of acorns here too....some were mailed to me from my sister Sue just last week.
I am linking to many of the linky parties on my side bar!


  1. Very pretty and the colors in the bowl are wonderful.

  2. great,great:)).....I love it:)...

  3. THose are adorable. I made some fabric acorns recently using real acorn tops, but I have never felted. Very Nice!

  4. Hi! I am a new follower from Thursday's blog hops. These acorns are adorable. I am looking forward to reading more of your blog. Blessings...
    Saved By Love Creations

  5. These acorns are beautiful! I love the muted colors and they go so well with the felted bowl!

    Thanks for linking up to my Commercial Break Thursday!


  6. Those are so cute! I love the unexpected colors. :)

  7. So happy to see you again at A Crafty Soiree! I love the combination of the felt with the real acorn cap. I can see why you like them so much! Thanks for sharing and looking forward to seeing you next time too:)

  8. These are fabulous. When I first looked at them, I thought the acorns were felted also, but they're real!! So cute and colorful. Love'm.

  9. Love these!

    Happy Day,
    Jasey @ Crazy Daisy

  10. Cute combo! I love the bright colors as well! So cute, Ellen!

  11. That's just beautiful - the colours in the bowl and the warm fuzz of the wool look great!
    Thanks for linking to A Round Tuit!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  12. these are fantabulous! thanks for joining us at a crafty soiree... hope to see you next week ( -:

  13. so pretty! come on over and link up to MMM!

  14. Those are so cute I need to learn how to felt! Come link up to my party

  15. i just saw a tute on this and my girls and I gathered bunches of acorn tops and now we just need the wool to felt. These look too cute!

  16. You are so cute! I love these. I love all of the cute things that you have made out of wool. Thanks for linking all of the to Tuesday Tell All.1

  17. These are adorable! I am so glad Cheri told me about them!
    504 Main
    DIY Club


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