Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Spy Bags

Still Stashbusting!
These I Spy bags are so cute and great for kids for distraction.  We even use them in the hospital to distract children while they are undergoing painful experiences like blood draws or IV starts.
I have seen some of these commercially made and I thought I could make them fairly easily.
I use wild interesting fabrics and collect the tiny items to go inside them.  I find little toys at yard sales, the Target $1 section, kids meals toys, and lots of other places.
The little plastic clear-ish beads are available at Hobby Lobby, although right now that is the only place I can find them.
They cost less than $3 to make each one (the majority of the cost is the bead "stuffing").
I like the ladybug one, but it seems like the little toys are hiding inside!
I use a coordinating fabric for the back...these will both be donated to my church fundraiser and the MDA fundraiser my family hosts.
I will be linking this post to the blog buttons on my sidebar!


  1. This is an awesome idea!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. 1. How cool!
    2. I'm trying to enter your giveaway at Sweet November, but it's not letting me. I'll keep trying...I really want a felt pin cushion!!

  3. What a neat idea!! I love those!

  4. How every fun ! Should brighten up any softa.
    Wondering if they are still cushy with the toys?

  5. I love these! My mother in law made one for my daughter last year, and she loves it! In addition to the little toys, she adds buttons in different colors, sometimes even the "fancy" buttons that look like animals or flowers. She finds them on old cloths at yard sales, and on clearance at Michael's. These really are great for kids, especially for long trips!

  6. These look great, I would love to make some for Christmas presents. Do you have a pattern and what do you make the clear bit out of?

  7. These are great, I had to buy mine for my daughter. Would love you to join me at A Crafty Soiree, every Thursday.

  8. This is a fabulous idea-- I am embarrassed to say I've seen similar things (not as cute as yours) out there and never thought I could make them myself... darling! Thanks so much for linking up to A Crafty Soiree!

  9. We actually have one of these and we love it! Even my 9 year old likes to play with it in church! Heck, even I like to play with it!!

    Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

  10. I so want to make one of these! Yours are so cool.. I bought lots of tiny things at a garage sale today.

    I found the beads at Wal Mart today over by the pillow forms.

  11. oooh! i'd like to try this one of these days. :) Thank you!

  12. Great idea... I found you on crafty Soiree. I am your newest follower- Hoping that you come and return the favor and follow me too.

  13. I need to make some of these! THanks!!
    I have a big request for all of you bloggers out there, I am in a contest for one of the posts I did on losing some weight. I just really need to have your vote because I would love to win this contest! All you need to do is go to the link I will put below and first become a fan or push the like button and then go to the right column and under the 14 pictures, click on my picture and make a comment that you vote for me! I know the power of blogland is big, so can you please vote! I would so, so, appreciate it!!!

  14. My boys LOVE ours. I need to make another so they each have one. Thanks for sharing!!


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