Thursday, August 19, 2010

Family is the Best!

I was sleeping two weeks ago (OK, it was late, it was 9 am, but I had still been awake at 4:30 am) when I heard my phone ring...I just swatted the phone so that it wouldn't bother me any more. I did look to see it was my sister and thought I would just call her back.  It was then that I noticed that I had two text messages from her.  The last text message was "I like ur flowers on ur porch  its very colorful".  Well, I knew something wasn't quite right because this sister lives about 4 1/2 hours away from me. 
I jumped out of bed (as easily as a person can jump with one leg and a knee caddy) and whizzed to the door with my hair standing up all over.  When I opened the door, I found my texting sister Sarah, my sis Sue, her son Harrison and my mom!
Total surprise, but oh so perfect timing!  I had had my cast taken off the previous day and the doc had decided to put me back in the cast for another week, so I was bumming.  My plans for the day were to stay home and moan and pout!!
They came to clean house and to take me places and to visit!  This is Sarah...

and this is my mom, who was coming just to supervise.  Well, that didn't work out for her!
She scrubbed and cleaned and folded clothes.
You can see Mom collapsed on the couch here, with Sarah still vacuuming...we finally had to take the vacuum away because Sarah wouldn't put it down! Sue stayed in the kitchen, scrubbing and cleaning and doing laundry, since I couldn't walk into the kitchen, I didn't get any pics of her cleaning.  Plus, I was afraid to go in there!
My dog Rachel didn't really feel compelled to help much.
So once the cleaning was done off we went..we went to Bandanas for some really good BBQ and then we headed off for some shopping. We filled carts and carts from WalMart and Sam's and they even took me to Good Will to give me a thrifting fix! 
 They stocked me up on toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, snacks and everything I needed.
Sue and Sarah both got practice in driving those motorized wheelchairs...they argued about who had to go get one for me.
By then I was exhausted and so was everyone else since they had been cleaning all morning.  I am so blessed to have family! 
That evening Chuck and Carol brought subs to my house for dinner.  They were keeping Elena (their granddaughter) so she came along too.  Here she is playing on my iPhone...
She knows more about it than I do!
Saturday the girls and Harrison all had to go home but they came over in the morning (they stayed at my brother Chuck's house since they have more sleeping space) and we chatted and Sue painted my toenails to match my cast...
which somehow made me feel better!
Here's Harrison trying to look cool!
And here's everyone as they were leaving!
Notice the bunny ears above mom's head.  Can't trust Sarah for a minute!
It was really good to see everyone and to have a wonderfully clean house!


  1. Aw that is so sweet!! Glad you have the family to help! Love the purple toenails to match your purple cast!! Awesome!

  2. So enjoyed reading this! I just began following you and am catching up. It warmed my heart to see your family all pitching in to help you at a time like this! So wonderful!!1 You are blessed indeed!!!


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