Monday, July 5, 2010

Skeleton Key Wall Hanging

I have been seeing these skeleton key pictures around blog land and I wanted one.  I have seen a few of them in the stores but they were too pricey for my tastes!
Hobby Lobby has a clearance sale now on some home decorator items--80% off...I liked that!
I was browsing and found this framed piece.  The frame was more like a shadow box, so I thought it might work for my skeleton keys which I had purchased on etsy
When I saw the price tag, I was sure I could make it work.  Yes, that's $3.60!
I spray painted the frame black.  There were two wooden mats inside, I spray painted the top one chocolate brown and the bottom one black.  I pried off the cross on the inside wood and sprayed a heavy duty adhesive on.  I cut out a piece of flax colored felted wool and stuck it to the back. 
Then I marked the area that would be visible inside the mats and arranged the keys as I wanted them.  I realized then that the keys were close to the same color as my background.  So out came the black spray paint again and I just hit the keys with a very light coat of black paint.  I attached the keys with a dot of E6000 which is my favorite glue of all time!
I really love the finished product!  And my total price was...$7.60!  I already had the adhesives, the wool,and the paints, so that made it even better!


  1. Ohhh! Very cool!

    Thanks so much for linking up!

  2. that looks great!!! and a great deal!

  3. This is just adorable! I love old keys and this has inspired me to do something with mine.

    Thanks for posting!

  4. I LOVE this! It is totally up my alley. I have been on an antique key kick too, it's a great project-great job.

  5. I LOVE skeleton keys. They have so much visual impact and vintage style. Love your display!

  6. I love me some keys! Thanks for joining us for Anything Related #14!! ~Bridgette

  7. Oh lovely! I saw this on Anything Related and loved it!

  8. This is darling. I've been looking to do something like this for my entryway for ages...I even purchased some keys, but I've been to lazy.

    You've made this look so simple, I am going to have to get this project underway!

  9. Love the key art! Thanks for linking up!

  10. This turned out great! Hobby lobby has some great clearance. I miss them.

  11. I really love this. I never get tired of seeing vintage keys used in decor. Nice job.


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