Monday, July 12, 2010

A Quilt for a Friend...Civil War Fabrics

I just finished binding this quilt is for a friend I have never met...can't say much more now, but maybe later!
I love Civil War Reproduction fabrics...
I think I love the Civil War fabrics because I always wanted to be a pioneer woman, trekking across the wilderness...but here I am in 2010 and it is too hot for me to wear those long dresses, so I will just have to settle for making quilts out of this great fabric.
This quilt was made completely out of scraps from other quilts.
If cats had thumbs, Frosty would give it a thumbs up!!


  1. Your kitty Frosty looks very similar to my flame point siamese, Sam. :)
    New follower from TTA.


  2. I just love Civil War reproductions and American Primitive homepsun!
    I'm currently learning how to quilt and can do everything BUT bind them! It's all part of the learning process though.

    I'm your newest follower by the way!

  3. What a cute quilt. Love it! Thanks for linking up.


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