Monday, July 12, 2010

New Pooch Pillow

My dog Rachel needed to register a complaint...not about the food or the company or the weather, but about her sleeping arrangements or her "rug" as we call it.
Seems that the last time we had left for the weekend, she got lonely for us (put the phone down, we didn't leave her without someone taking care of her) and attempted to eat her "rug".  Can't really blame a dog for missing her family...

I had this fabric that I found at Hobby Lobby (I know my blog is starting to sound like a Hobby Lobby commercial, but that is my absolute favorite place to shop) for $2 a yard...I had bought 3 yards thinking I might make a scrub top.
I had this baffled down filled comforter that was very faded and had a few stains which I had put into my pet bedding box in the garage.  I save old towels and blankets for my cats beds during the winter.  Summertime they are on their own! 
Anyway, I folded this in quarters and zig-zagged around the edges.
I then made a pillowcase to fit the folded comforter, making it two inches longer than the comforter.
Across the inside of the pillowcase opening I sewed Velcro...that keeps it nice and snugly fit while the pooch relaxes!  It is very soft and comfy and Rachel seems to enjoy it!  And the best part is that it only cost $3!


  1. Love it!! Good job. I love HL too!! I totally know what you mean!! LOL

  2. Thanks for helping us have another great Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  3. That looks great! My dog chews her pillow up every time she gets one. I got tired of replacing them. I can't believe it only cost $3 and it's sooo cute!

  4. NICE! That's on my to do list too. Oh, how we spoil our animals...

  5. This is brilliant! My dog would love a new bed like this! I keep hearing about hobby lobby, I think on my next trip to the states I'll have to check it out because it sounds GREAT!

    Here from Tidy Mom, come visit me if you get a sec. Happy Weekending!

  6. Great idea and I love your fabric! I've never been to hobby lobby but one day I hope to be close to one so I can go there...I keep hearing amazing things!

    Thanks for linking up!

  7. Fantastic idea. My poor doggies each need one of these! They have been on my to do for quite sometime. I love that you recycled a comforter..very clever! Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase – I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a wonderful week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  8. We just adopted a cat and I've been thinking of making one of these. What luxury for a dog to sleep on a down comforter! :)


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