Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mutant Day Lily

I planted these beautiful day lilies probably three years ago...they are a dark rich red color
and are very striking. 
This year this double lily came up in the middle of my dark red lilies (I know there is probably a name for these certain day lilies, but I don't keep track of those sort of things).  There is another kind of day lily to the right which has already finished blooming this year...it is a light yellow color and very small and plain.
So here is my question...where did this double day lily come from? 
I didn't plant it!
Don't get me wrong, I am not going to dig it up and throw it away, I like freebies, but I am curious if this is a mutation of the two lilies on either side or did it just magically appear?
It's really very pretty!


  1. Hi! I'm your newest follower from buzz thursdays. I'd love for you to stop by my blog for a visit.

  2. Love the blog! Just visiting from Buzz on By Thursday! Looking forward to following you!


    PS. Your Flowers are beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Visiting from BUzz on By Thursday - love your flowers, they are GORGEOUS! I would love to grow flowers, but apartment living prevents me from doing so. I'll just enjoy yours! :)

  4. That is soo cool! I love it! The flowers are gorgeous!

  5. Hi there! I was wondering if my orange lilies were unique, but they are quite similar to yours! Mine have three layers of petals, and the stamens are fused with the innermost petals, strangely. The petals are also quite curly/wavy. I guess it must be a recessive trait that pops up sometimes. It's quite useful to me, since I like to eat my lilies in salads, and having more petals is a bonus.


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