Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's the little things that get me....

I was digging through a drawer today and found this...
My Dad bought it for me at a gas station in Henderson, Kentucky. He had just picked me up from nursing school in Evansville, Indiana on a Friday evening to take me home for the weekend. I have always loved ladybugs and he saw me playing with this moving ladybug...
So he bought it for me.
It's the little things that make me realize Dad is gone...and that I miss him so much.
My Mom was in Columbia this weekend and I realized when I saw her I was expecting Dad to be with her.
It has been a bit over three months, but I still expect to hear his voice on the phone.
My son plays baseball and he used to call Dad after every game, on the way home,
to tell Dad how the game went.
This past week, my son had a double and a triple and played really well. I noticed he was holding his phone in his hand all the way home...I asked him if he missed talking to Grandpa after his game.  There was no answer, but I saw a tear running down his face.


  1. What a cute little bug! I love finding special things that remind you of good times/people.

    Following via Follow Back Tuesday! I just joined your site on GFC! I look forward to reading your posts!!

    I hope you will follow me back at


  2. I'm glad you found the ladybug! She will be a great keepsake for you.

  3. Hi Ellen, Thanks for following my lil ole blog! I love yours! I lost my grandmother and best friend in January and I still have instants when I think"Oh I've got to call Mommom and tell her that" Cuts deep every time. Also her middle name and mine is Ellen! Ya just cant go wrong with a name like Ellen!


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