Sunday, January 31, 2010

Quilting class #2

We met for our second quilting class (here is our first class action)...there are now two quilt tops completely finished! I was so excited and proud! There is something that makes you want to finish a project like this if you are working with others and you see their progress alongside your own.
The tables were littered with cords and fabric and machines....

There was some chatting and comparing and of course we ordered lunch in....
Sherry brought her quilt top in completed....there was much ooohing and aaahing. This quilt is going to look fantastic on her bed! Sherry also started a new project (actually two new projects), pink baby quilts for newborn twins. She picked a combination of textures and fabrics....fleece, flannel, satin, cotton, terrycloth.
Those babies are going to love these quilts!

Brenda stayed the longest, and finished her quilt during class...which was great since she was not able to be here for the first class. Her quilt top is a great combination of blues and yellows, I made one very similar to it! Now I have to tell you that Brenda stomped into the class saying she had messed her quilt up so badly that she thought she was going to throw it in the trash can! And now her quilt top is wonderfully finished!

Fred's quilt is nearly finished..but unfortunately he spent the last hour of the class trying to figure out how to repair his machine.
The black sashing strip fabric has dogwoods blooms and is a really pretty fabric. Sherry used some of it in her quilt top too!

Caryn was checking out her quilt as she sewed strips together. Hers will be a king size quilt and the picture doesn't do the colors justice...very striking collection of prints-stripes, polka dots, paisley, mottled fabrics.

Penny came by toward the end of the class for help cutting her rectangle strips and she was so excited that her quilt top was coming right along!
I was very proud and I must admit a bit surprised that everyone had made such progress. Bonnie and Susie were not able to make it to this class, but I hear they are working on their quilts. Carol was also at this class, but for some crazy reason, I did not get a picture of her or her quilt! Ruth came back for a brief visit too!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those are some quilts..I wish I were taking your classes too, for I really can't quilt!

    Thanks a lot for the visit to my blog and the comment, Ellen..I really appreciate that!


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