Sunday, November 8, 2009

Faith, Joy and Peacock Feathers

I needed something on this wall behind "my" chair in the living room. I had this shelf that I bought for $1 at Goodwill and after the obligatory coat of black spray paint, I decided to use it on this empty wall. I bought the FAITH picture from Hobby Lobby for 50% off~~that came to a total of $6. But I still needed something else.
This is exactly what I needed! But this didn't always look like this....
Here is how I found it at the Salvation Army store...with two dead butterflies and a bunch of dried flowers inside two panes of glass. The outside pane is domed, so I thought there was some potential...I just wasn't sure what that potential was.I removed the butterflies and flowers...and I scrubbed the glass and polished the nice dark wood frame with some wood oil. I thought about spray painting it black, but didn't want to cover the wood. And face it, we can't spray paint everything black!!
I gathered supplies--cute scrapbook paper, some chipboard letters, and glue. I spelled JOY out on the scrapbook paper and found a suitable arrangement. The pics here are disappointing because the J doesn't show up well in the pics. In real life the J is more prominent.
I cut around the glass and tried the frame on to see how it looked together.

I liked it this way, so it got to stay!
I hung my faith picture and my shelf and I love it!
I have always had a thing for peacock feathers....


  1. Love this idea!!! You turned an ugly frame in to something so beautiful!
    My sisters name is JOY...I might have to make her one!
    Mama Holli


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