Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Elena's Second Birthday Present....Will she like it???

It all started with this picture....Elena just loved Grandma's really neat dollhouse back in July. Here she is rearranging furniture. And then I was at Goodwill and I found this plain simple dollhouse that can also be a bookshelf and hung on the wall. It was very solid and put together to withstand the test of toddlers, so I decided to buy it ($5) and make it into a real dollhouse for Elena's September birthday.
I put a solid coat of primer on it to seal it and prevent future stains.

I taped off different areas...I painted one of the upstairs bedrooms, painted the roof and the outside of the house, all with either acrylics or paint I had left over from other projects.
I used scrapbooking paper for wallpaper and carpet and attached it with Mod Podge (of course). There is such fun scrapbooking paper now and I had fun with decorating. There is the pink monkey room...
There is a nice green carpet in one of the bedrooms...and a mod black and white in the dining room (at least I think it is a dining room!)

See the trim I found in the garage and mitered all by myself? (Note that I am not showing you the place where the two pieces join at the top) I thought that trim added a bit of pop to the whole project!

Here is the completed project sitting on my wood stove...just waiting until Saturday.

The "great room" downstairs has cat carpeting and a lovely pink stripe wallpaper with a border.
I made a card for Elena too with that is really cute! She loves my white cat Frosty (she loves all animals for that matter) and so I included a likeness of him inside the card.

I can't wait to give it to her!!


  1. so cute ellen..i am sure elena will love it!!!

  2. Oh my, you are such the creative queen! It is adorable.

  3. That is amazing!! I'm so impressed. Laney is going to LOVE it.

  4. Oh, how sweet!!! She will love it, and as she gets older she'll treasure it b/c of all the hard work you put into it. :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

  5. Oh my goodness - just precious! She's very lucky!

  6. What a lucky little girl. I love it!

  7. So sweet! I'm sure your daughter will love it :)
    Mine is 7 and still plays with her dollhouse - in fact, it might be time to make her a really cute one like yours!

  8. How cute! You did a beautiful job! Even as a grown up - I just love dollhouses. What a fun project!


  9. Ellen is that yours?



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